Status update

I think this would be totally cool!! Except that they've pared things down to one server, and the poor thing would crash in about 5 seconds.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    How about rounds? Each round has about 50 (or however much the server can hold) glitchens. There would be a big spreadsheet with every active players name on it, (inactive players who happen to come online can sign up too, and active players who don't want to play could opt out) and if you find your name (which would be highlighted) under Round, lets say, 9, there would be a time for which your round happened. (All time sones.) You could also switch with other players if the time couldn't work for you. :D

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in reply to

Status update

How about rounds? Each round has about 50 (or however much the server can hold) glitchens. There would be a big spreadsheet with every active players name on it, (inactive players who happen to come online can sign up too, and active players who don't want to play could opt out) and if you find your name (which would be highlighted) under Round, lets say, 9, there would be a time for which your round happened. (All time sones.) You could also switch with other players if the time couldn't work for you. :D

2 replies

Status update

How long exactly would these rounds be? There are 160k registered users, meaning with 50 per round, there would be 3200 rounds.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    If what kastlin said is true, there will only be one working server, so we can't have too many people on it at a time. When you said 160k registered users, does that count unactive ones too? But we could do it another way. If the server can hold x amount of users at a time, then when one user goes down, another waiting user will take his/her place, thus moving the 'game' along faster. If no waiting users are available, (which will probably not happen) the round will roll out until the last glitchen is crowned the winner of one round. The next round would start in about an hour, to give the devs time to have a break and such. The winners of all the rounds will face off each other.

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Status update

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Glitch did come back temporarily at one point. (might have a long way to go though; that looks like it happened about five years after GNE closed)

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