Status update

I totally support the idea of a GoC match.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    I never thought of that! It would be pretty awesome if a whole new region was unlocked just for the last couple GoC games. I can't think of any names right now, but I'm sure someone who doesn't think of bacon 24/7 can. The match should be just like goC, but this time, instead of a room, it would be a whole region. Not as big as Groddle, maybe the size of Ix? It would also be nice of the glitchens who lost to the bacon cannons could watch the winners playing somewhere, preferably through a live stream? Because I know I will never make it to the finals, unless there is an ability to eat the bacon that comes out of the cannons.

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Status update

I never thought of that! It would be pretty awesome if a whole new region was unlocked just for the last couple GoC games. I can't think of any names right now, but I'm sure someone who doesn't think of bacon 24/7 can. The match should be just like goC, but this time, instead of a room, it would be a whole region. Not as big as Groddle, maybe the size of Ix? It would also be nice of the glitchens who lost to the bacon cannons could watch the winners playing somewhere, preferably through a live stream? Because I know I will never make it to the finals, unless there is an ability to eat the bacon that comes out of the cannons.

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