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And now deep thoughts, by Saucelah: Folks, I'm with you, I've noted the lack of iMG and currant content for long-time players too. But this isn't a surprise: they took the game back to beta to rework it entirely, not to add retention content for us stubborn folks who agreed to stick around for a chance to be at the edge of a game in beta. I'm sure TS is aware of how much iMG we are sitting on -- and I'm just as sure that it would be a sign of skewed priorities to change that while working to get the game live again.

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shhexy corin

I do hope you're stroking your beard right now!

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But, but, as a long-time player, I know more about game design than the developers of the game I play do, certainly. Isn't that how this works? *Runs over to the forums to make a small-violin post about YC shucking and quoin travel cards getting nerfed with everyone else*

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Well said. I think something that many people often forget is that we're in beta for a reason, mostly so the game is more polished and plays better by the time it's opened again, at which time more new content can be released for hungry players. I may be rambling though. XD

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Voluptua Sneezelips

It all goes to show how passionate people are about this game, how long-time players *do* want reasons to keep playing if what's currently here isn't enough for them. Agreed that the focus is and should be getting the beginning of this perpetual adventure up to snuff and *then* implement things to keep the longer-time players busy. Saying "we're in beta" is sometimes decried as an excuse...but, well, we *are*, and somtimes I think it's hard for some folks to look at it from outside the perspective of *being* long-term players. The lack of content for longer-term players, the changes driving us nuts are because we've taken things for granted. Things will continue to change; it's hard to be patient, but I have faith that one day I'll have a reason to pour millions of img down the sink...with unfettered glee. For now, I'm content to let TS keep tricking out the beginning. *runs off, flailing*

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I can remember a time where we as blessed betalicious testers aspired to spade out anything that would prove to unbalance/break whatever game we happened to be a part of. Find and report to achieve a quality gaming experience- and strive for parity- rather than to exploit. It sometimes seems like users forget that they have a role to play.

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3 replies
  1. Voluptua Sneezelips

    Bravo, malo! An excellent point. It may be that for some, if it's their first beta, or if they joined during launch, they may not realise what beta-testing entails. This is still a good reminder of what we're doing here. Thanks for this.

  2. triiku

    I join with Mademoiselle Sneezelips in offering my agreement with malo: we are here to make sure the game works, not to expect the game to work. We are testers above all else.

  3. Ayasta

    Excellent post! Indeed, I'm reminded of other MMOs I've been a part of the beta in, and I report most bugs promptly. I should start reporting the trivial ones too, but I'm always afraid they already know about it, or it's just a glitch of some kind.