Status update

Oh! Don't haz a sad!!! There are other games out there! No, they're not Glitch, but they will allow us (all of us) to play together again. {{{{hugs}}}}

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1 reply
  1. Wynella

    There are a BUNCH of us on MiraMagia, but as it's a gardening game, it's a little slow for some. I'm okay with it for about 30 min stints, then I get bored. I guess it just proves how awesome Glitch was. {{emo bear hug}}

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

There are a BUNCH of us on MiraMagia, but as it's a gardening game, it's a little slow for some. I'm okay with it for about 30 min stints, then I get bored. I guess it just proves how awesome Glitch was. {{emo bear hug}}

1 reply

Status update

Oh yes!! I have to check into that one! Gardening was one of my top 100 things to do in Glitch!

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1 reply
  1. Wynella

    Apparently there is also a BUNCH of us on NationStates. I'm going to give that one a try today. Though I usually try to really avoid all things political, I'm told this is fun & silly.

    2 replies