Status update
acro, obviously

We've lost our precious Voluptia, but only in presence! Her spirit will linger for the rest of our hallowed and numbered days in Urfeeds. And really, when is the end the end? How can a door be ajar? Friendly smiles upon us all. I will now stop blathering and admit that I am also having a flareup of sadness. It's like hemorrhoids, but deeper. In short, this truly sucks. I may follow her exit. *sigh*

6 replies

6 replies
  1. Chazerei

    Awwww...don't leave, acro - we're still here (((HUGS)))

  2. kastlin

    Well said, but please don't leave. {{{hugs}}}

in reply to

Status update
Innie?, Obviously

aco, i love you. *hugs*

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