Status update

Started playing miramagia. Okay so far. Back to being a noob for me, lol. Yay Level 4 (harummph)

7 replies

7 replies
  1. Minkey

    neat! my advice is small but...collect every mushroom you see (the ones you see are not being taken from others, they are yours) and wait till they are "big" or "large". build your rock circle as much as you can so you can gain more mana. feed your dragon once a day, even if just a little bit...have fun!

    1 reply

  2. KitchWitch

    KitchWitch there...lots of Glitchen roaming around. :D

  3. Chazerei

    I just started playing yesterday - you can look for Chazerei there if you like!

  4. Hellyeah

    Thanks for the advice Minkey. Aaaaand done. :D And for kastlin, KitchWitch, Chazerei & Mocha Maid: I'd add you all to my friends list ... So far, I have been turned into a pumpkinhead and now walking as a pig. Guess the Glitch piggies be laughing their butts off now.

    2 replies

  5. Eleanor Rigby

    I can't find any of you there -- when I search in the Friends list to Add, none of you show up. Am I doing something wrong?

    5 replies

in reply to

Status update

YAY!!! I'm Kastlin there. Find me!!

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Status update

I see your village is named Little Groddle. So can we rename villages in that game?

3 replies

3 replies
  1. kastlin

    I guess so! I got lucky and moved into this village just this weekend. It was already populated with glitchen (Arietty, ennuienta, Mal'akh, zoom.b, Lynnie, and Alex Muninn). Many villages in Owl Canyon have glitchen villagers.

  2. Wynella

    I think if you're the Village Elder, you can.