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erm... Which type of phone? If it's Android then it depends on which version of Android, but it's possible. Otherwise there is no flash.

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2 replies
  1. Rook

    better get it now, before it gets discontinued.

    2 replies

  2. serenitycat

    hi zanthis ;) hugs! I am shopping for smartphone --USA though. And a droid phone is fine with me , I am not a fan of any smartphone in particular- so i dont really care if it's a iphone or a droid phone- as long as it does the things i want it to do .: )

    1 reply

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Status update

better get it now, before it gets discontinued.

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  1. Rook

    Adobe is going to stop developing flash for mobile devices in some point in time...should have said that to Serenity, tho. lol

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