
That weird problem where you don't get the newbie cards (before the tutorial was released)

I know I'm not the only one to have had this problem, where because I started playing Glitch again recently, but before the tutorial was finished, I wasn't given all the newbie cards I should have been. I had to open a ticket to get my movement speed increased past Pooped, and my jump too.. because those cards simply weren't appearing in my deck and I couldn't go anywhere without spinach.

Well, I was looking at the card portion of the encyclopedia and realized why I don't have a triple jump and why I never got any of those very basic cards: I don't have Mappery! Yet I have a map and can view it just fine.. But I think that's the underlying problem for all these movement related issues people like me have been experiencing. For some reason, Mappery isn't being given out. Or wasn't before they fixed the tutorial. Curious if this is the catalyst for others in the same boat.

Posted 12 years ago by Mahkia Subscriber! | Permalink
