
Le Miserables: uses silvertongue doesn't give extra reward

In repeating Le Miserables I'm getting the quest but the reward remains the same whether on silvertongue or not. It does however remove the gift of gab buff.

700 iMG, 200 energt, 100 favor, 50 mood, 450 currants.

I suppose it shouldn't still be giving out the quest either ...

Posted 12 years ago by M<3tra, obviously Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I can second this, I just tried it.

    I just did the quest now without the buff and got the same reward. :/

    Edit: Nevermind.  The Maintainance Bot may say 200, but watching the actual number added I saw I did get 260.
    Posted 12 years ago by a lifted pixel Subscriber! | Permalink