
First Impressions

Fooling around with the avatar was laggy, and having to click exactly on pic instead of the "box" illustrated around pic was tricky... either outline only the avatar or make the whole box reactive. Friendly enough entry, cute ganglions. Felt like this was aimed at a pretty young age. Was confused for a few moments, with references to energy and mood but no way to see them. I wish there were thermometer-like measures of energy and mood, just colors seem too general and too likely to change without warning. World was fun for a few moments then went WAAAY laggy. Butterflies were a cute challenge but could only "get" them twice and failed both times, waah. Looks like managing energy via beans is gonna be a PITA. Gonna try on another machine, hoping lag will diminish. Nice colors and music, and lots of tempting things to explore in the future.

Posted 13 years ago by Lilith Subscriber! | Permalink


  • (You can select butterflies by jumping and pressing enter!)
    Posted 13 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If you mouse-over your mood and energy you get the actual numbers. My inclination is to click them then I het this huge description box. I agree they need to at least need an option for permanent numbers or a better meter.
    Posted 13 years ago by Cap'n Bob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Better meters are on their way — should be in for next test.
    Posted 13 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Looks like managing energy via beans is gonna be a PITA."

    beans aren't really meant to be used for energy purposes. pretty much only for planting purposes.

    managing energy with food other than beans is much much easier. not sure how the game put across the idea that beans are the only energy source.
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm with striatic: the game never implies that beans are the only, sole purpose by which to increase/maintain energy. In fact, you'll find the skill tree includes the Meditation tree which manages Energy/Mood via the Focusing Orb (and that's just one method).

    I will agree that butterflies are quite difficult to snag ahold of, but once you memorize the interaction key commands (g for massage, k for milk and n for sing to), it sorta becomes a game to just click on the little blighters.
    Posted 13 years ago by Tamashii Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Another option is to use the up/down arrows after you select a butterfly. Then hit enter again when you're on the option you want. Hope that helps! :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Rykos Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Tamashii: I didn't even know there were interaction commands. Thanks!
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for the info! I came back to try some more on a different (and newer) machine, and whoops, shut down. Looking forward to trying again when the next test period starts. How long does each period last? I thought it was kinda odd that I got an invite the same day they shut down.
    Posted 13 years ago by Lilith Subscriber! | Permalink