

Glitch tester since July 2010 (Tiny Speck's "super awesome" intern in Aug 2011), and author of the Glitch Strategy Blog. T'was fun!


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Oh wow, you're still here?! Get a move on lil' doggy!

3 replies

3 replies
  1. kastlin

    LOL!! Hburger is now GOD!!!!!! {{{hugs}}}

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Just dug out the giant version of my Super Awesome Intern badge for my profile. :3 i.imgur.com/4wgSR5l.png

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3 replies
  1. Wynella

    It's not big enough! MOAR MOAR! ;)

  2. Brib Annie

    I love your badge, one of my favorites! So glad that there is a Super Awesome giant version!

Status update

Also... check out Wayback Machine's snapshot of the site at 31st Oct 2011 - it's logged in to Micajah's account. Weird! web.archive.org/web/2011103...

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3 replies
  1. kastlin

    Wasn't that the first Zille-o-ween?

  2. Marla

    I clicked "Enter the Game" and got a blank white page. :(

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This was the background image used on Glitch's Home page from Jan to November 2011 - makes a great desktop/iPad wallpaper :) i.imgur.com/Tb5Itm2.jpg

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Remember when group paper tree harvesting was a thing? :) i.imgur.com/XxgK13i.png

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  1. katlazam

    Wow, that big long list sure does take me back! I remember poring over it several times when the test was down, with pure wonderment over what delights might be in store for us: Goat Arse! Vole Milk! Wine of the Dead! Juju Shoo-Shoo Powder! (and isn't it funny, how when we finally got jujus it was such a lightbulb moment, but then we never did get the shoo-shoo after all...)