
Leveling up

This is geared towards Spencer, Jade, and others who are 30+. How do you level up so fast? I played 3 days straight and am only at level 10 :(

Posted 13 years ago by Bob Vila Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Pig Farms! Well that is my way but you knew that.
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Did you finish all your quests? Have you been wasting away Glitch time, or mining, refining, cooking, helping with street projects, exploring, etc?
    Posted 13 years ago by Roxon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mining, donating to shrines, watering and petting every tree you pass, gardening
    Posted 13 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also we've been playing for four or five sessions over the last month or two. And longer if you count reset accounts
    Posted 13 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • After one day, I was able to make it to level 13, without any trouble/neglecting my real life. I made a point of finishing all my quests, though, which seems to help.
    Posted 13 years ago by Miss Bunburyist Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 3 days isn't really a long time to be in the game. Don't focus on leveling up so much, especially since all this is gonna get wiped.
    Posted 13 years ago by Cainunable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Feels to me like players who leveled up and got reset during the last wipe, all leveled up a lot faster the next time around...
    Posted 13 years ago by EgIantine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • eglantine, I leveled faster after the last reset, but mostly because I went at it a different (and probably more efficient) way.
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah. After the last reset I decided to work a different angle. I did Better Learning and Mining to max as fast as possible. You can grind away on stones and literally buy your way to each level and speed up learning substantially. And once you have the Better Learning tree done you will learn each subsequent skill faster.
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Listen to him, people. He's a meat mogul!
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bob Villa: I haven't been trying to level. It isn't my goal in this. I've just been completing quests, exploring, and gathering resources for projects. In the process of doing that I got a lot of badges and experience. To be fair though..... I've played a LOT of hours. I tend to sleep only a few hours when the game is open.

    Tips for leveling: If you want to level quickly I'd suggest getting lots of bag space and heading to Ilmenskie Caverns along with some Extremely Hallowed Shrine Powder. Mine rocks for gems and chunks and donate them to the shrines. This will bump your experience VERY quickly. I think this is how Tifa has gotten to be such a high level :-).

    P.S. I've also been moving through the skills tree pretty evenly. Not concentrating on specific skill types, but learning all things and moving down evenly. This allows you to help more often in projects. You can speed up the skill learning time by spending some of the favor points you build up with the giants too. Happy Glitching :-)
    Posted 13 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jade, great tips :) Where do you buy Extremely Hallowed Shrine Powder from?
    Posted 13 years ago by EgIantine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • eglantine, you make it!
    Posted 13 years ago by lucy jane Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @eglantine : You can make it if you have Intermediate Admixing, or you could probably buy it through the auctions.
    Posted 13 years ago by DMoney Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah (@Jade), I've never even heard of it.
    Posted 13 years ago by Skylla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Whooo I'm famous!
    I leveled up on mining and animal kinship. I go around and stock up on pig meat and no-no powder and then start mining until I fill up all of my bags with metal ore (I have all my slots filled with bags)
    Then I smelt the ore and donate the ingots and any gems I had mined to any shrine using the intense extreme shrine powder.

    donating to shrines gives HUGE xp, which means fast leveling.
    Fast leveling means mad loot.
    Mad loot means mountains of p***y.
    Posted 13 years ago by Spencer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The powder makes a HUGE difference. I think it doubles the amount of experience you receive from each donation. You have to be quick though, and get the item in the shrine before the sparkles disappear.
    Posted 13 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • After I finish my next skill I would have completed all but 3 of the tree! I bet there will be a reset before I can learn the rest though :/

    @DiB I did pretty much the same thing after the last reset. Mining and better learning really help you get through all of the other skills quicker.

    @Spencer - that's an interesting angle. I was afraid of trying th no-no powder (and going to Hell One) for most of the game, though I don't know why - there doesn't seem to be a reason to fear death in Glitch :P. I think next time there is a reset I'll focus less on the cooking skills and more on the animal stuff.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mursock Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The mega super extreme intense shrine powder multiplies the XP received by 3. It's basically a necessity. I never sell gems or ore, or anything for that matter. I use non metal ore to make elements for shrine and no-no powder. I smelt metal ore and wait until I save up 500-750 ingots. That gives 10K-12.5K XP when donated at once with the shrine powder. Any money I make I spend on sno cones.
    Posted 13 years ago by Spencer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Still wondering how one gets the shrine powder....
    Posted 13 years ago by Skylla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Extremely Hallowed Shrine Powder

    You make it with Zillene, Groddlene, and Cosmox (if I remember right) using the beaker. You get those elements from grinding up rocks you have mined. The recipe becomes available upon learning a skill or making X amount of powders. I forget exactly. The game is good at letting me forget the specifics and just have fun.

    @Spencer-ish I learned in game that after a donation level earning 12480+xp it wont write the amount above that number. You still get the xp but it just says 12480xp in the chat window still. It also resets the shrine to zero. No favor beyond 1000. So if you really want to know how much you get you'll need to look at you xp before and after and if you level from don't forget the extra math.

    You also only get one emblem no matter how much over you donate. But I don't think the Devs planned on us filling our bags with 1 shrine powder and the other 109 slots with a maxed out item. For me it was stacks of pig meat. I'd like to try 109 diamonds at once with the powder thought. Or 109 stacks of 50 shiny ore. But I think pig meat is worth more then ore believe it or not. I'll have to test and see for sure!

    I learned that 15 amber with the extreme shrine powder yielded 960 favor so I would go around to shrines trying to keep them almost to the top. Then when it came time to spend favor points on a skill I could take off 50% of the time remaining. But since I had Better Learning 5 I already learned 20% faster. So when learning a new skill I cut the time down by 60%. I forget how much favor is worth how much time but I have the screen shots and plan to break it down in a post later. I do remember that 1 ingot is worth 1 favor and with extreme powder it's tripled so 3 favor then. I guess next test I can figure out the favor value of items.

    I only screwed around with that stuff during the last 2 test days. I just quested and played normally up till then. Donating to shrines was something I did the entire time though. Just keep the shrines at 90% as long as you are still learning skills so you can immediately speed up learning the moment you begin. The more you learn the more quests you get. You also get more quests as you make X amount of certain things.
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You make it.
    Mine dullite, sparkly and whatever the other one is and then crush the ore in a grinder. This will give you colored (not to be racist) elements. You then craft these elements into compounds using a test tube and then stir certain compounds together in a beaker. It's all very complex and mary mary quite contrary.

    Just experiment like you did in college.

    This is also how you make no-no powder, the key to everlasting life and Glitch domination.
    Posted 13 years ago by Spencer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah I only got to play for about 3 days but now that I get the hang of how things work, I can't wait for the wipe so i can go get all my skills more efficiently and focus on one or two things. I'll learn my skills a little more strategically and actually get somewhere this time
    Posted 13 years ago by Cap'n Bob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As for skills, I always choose the shortest available if the test is continuing or the longest if the test is shutting down. That means you get do quests and earn achievements faster than those who concentrate on the lucrative skills of mining and alchemy. I'm proud of my place on the achievements leaderboard more than the xp/level placing.
    Posted 13 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1,100c for a Purple Snow cone = 825xp when eaten. Thats a good xp source.
    Posted 13 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jade says: You have to be quick though, and get the item in the shrine before the sparkles disappear.

    !!! That explains why it never seemed useful to me. I have never been able to click on the shrine while the stars are flying. So I wait for the stars to stop.

    To chime in on Bob's question, doggedly mining and giving it all to giants is how I level up the fastest. But it's not an especially fun way to play the game. Quests add more interest and also xp, though there's not as many of them at the higher levels.
    Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's one of the big problems I have with the game so far. Once you get to a higher level, there isn't as much to do, and most of the quests are kinda mundane.

    I know it's still in alpha and is very much a work in progress, but I feel like adding some kind of motivation to keep going out and grinding all day would make it more fun in the long run. As of right now, my only motivation to play is to get a little bit higher on the leader board so that when Glitch gets huge like Farmville I can tell women, "Glitch? I was only one of the top 10 players in the world for a while. What's that? You want to sleep with me? Ok."

    Players need goals apart from top 10 bragging rights. I need a REASON to level up apart from being bored on Winter break. More expensive items, exclusive streets, some bourgeois houses, a giant golden platypus, etc...

    P.S.- Stoot, if Tiny Speck needs a free intern for this summer, I'm your man. I'm a pro at being people's bitch.
    Posted 13 years ago by Spencer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey, baby... is that a Level 30 in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?

    But seriously. I think the higher levels just haven't had much attention yet. And reasonably so.
    Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You don't need to be fast with the powder. Wait for the stars to finish. You can test this theory by sprinkling powder. Do nothing for 15second and Sprinkle again. You'll get a message that the shrine is already under a spell or something and wont let you sprinkle again until you donate. I thought it was a timing thing too and when I realized I clicked the wrong thing I though the time was up and upon the second sprinkle I received the aforementioned message. I had never seen the leader-boards functional until yesterday afternoon like 2hrs b4 shutdown. The goal now for me to help get projects done ASAP. When Zee was the only one on the server with a skill for an action on the project I helped him by getting a second tool and 6k of food. He ended up getting 20% of that project. That is a big number for a project for one person to have. I'll save the project talk for another thread and time.
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Clare: Try dragging the item directly into the shrine, instead of using the click/menu option. It works better for me that way:-).
    Posted 13 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, Jade!
    Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink