
about those keys...

I forgot to mention this, but I really enjoyed the bi-level areas that spawned keys to unlock doors (can't remember the exact names of them tho). There were two: one that spawned a key above ground and one that spawned a key below ground and behind a column.

I really LOVED the behind the column one. When I first came upon it, someone was standing behind the column waiting for the key to spawn and she was meditating. At first I thought the column was meditating. Then I thought I had to meditate to spawn the key so I started meditating, but she said she was just doing it to pass the time, and I laughed out loud at that.

Then me and another player decided to go behind the column too, and we did some chatting to pass the time. Something about the speech bubbles and the column was hilarious to me. Or when someone moved slightly and a teensy bit of their avatar peeked out from the side. We also had to team up so that we could all use the same key, which was great, and probably the only instance of spontaneous street collaboration I have ever seen in Glitch, i.e., among players who didn't already know each other from chat.

It had this kind of stranded in an elevator/stuck in a long line effect for the players and I liked the way it played out, and the novelty of not being able to see exactly what was happening was delightful.

Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I enjoyed the "behind column key" too. Everybody jumping around to find the key was fun to see. Only problem, was seeing how Hburger (as I remember it) got bug-stuck on the right side, and had to be teleported out. But everybody waited around until problem was solved. Also fun to discover new terrain with allot of other exited people.

    That being said. Having only played the game for this test, I found it hard to catch on to, how to help with the materials needed to open the new street. Asked in the help channel (and got the info i needed. Thanks guys!) But at a low level and with a relatively little knowledge of game mechanics, I was simply to slow to actually be able to help out on the project. More experienced players do things so fast, that it can be hard to mimic and find out how to act.
    So felt a little left out, even if on the same street and chat window(s) as everybody else. Perhaps a quest that is designed to help out new players how to participate in the projects and social aspects of the game? Is there one already, that I have just solved without thinking about it?

    Posted 13 years ago by monty the moon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah.. sorry about getting stuck & then everyone having to wait... but at least we found a bug. :)

    Donkey Kong level FTW! If anyone didn't see it:
    Posted 13 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A few hours later when doing some mining, I actually came across a chicken that was caught in the same way. Tried to squeeze it to get it out, but it didn't help much :)
    Posted 13 years ago by monty the moon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I must admit I was naughty and stole the first key hiding behind that column and used it on my own. Well it was right next to the door I couldn't believe no-one else had seen it. Still I did point out through the help chat where I had found it though that didn't fully make amends. Sorry. :(
    Posted 13 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • aw bluto it is cool .. but it really is more fun to get the key, wait for everyone to follow you and then everyone can go through and explore the new level together : ]
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink