
Staff Topic

New blog post outlining unlocks from The Lucky Streak

The post and all the details are on our blog. Your feedback is welcome here!

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • This discussion has me wondering if it is, perhaps, partly a cultural thing.  I am from UK and it is expected that people get over potty humour by puberty.  It is not funny to most adults, or those past the age of about 10.

    I also wonder if there is something like the 'Emperor's new clothes' about it because the artist seems to be well known to some.  If you look at the art objectively you can see the point that it doesn't seem to fit in and is very simplistic.  It's like TS have hired the artist and he hasn't even looked at the game, just sent something over to fit a brief.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Parsley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ethreal.  I have no experience of Japanese Anime, but weren't Jonah and Pinocchio spat rather than, er, shat?
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Parsley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Miss Parsely, the art of shim shiri does match quite well with the seam streets. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Horakely Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I understand now that we're not allowed to criticize any part of this game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  I am from UK and it is expected that people get over potty humour by puberty.  

    Not in my experience. cf. the beans scene in Blazing Saddles.  Most people I've seen watch it find it difficult not to laugh at it.  

    It is not funny to most adults, or those past the age of about 10.

    Please show your working out.

    All adults are over 10, FYI
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to comment on this.

    "I am from UK and it is expected that people get over potty humour by puberty. It is not funny to most adults, or those past the age of about 10."

    The UK is the same place that has brought us:
    * The Benny Hill Show
    * The Kenny Everett Show
    * Are You Being Served?
    * Monty Python
    * Red Dwarf
    * No Heroics
    * Misfits
    * Little Britain
    * The Young Ones
    * The Two Ronnies
    * The Comic Strip Presents
    * Derek and Clive
    * Russell Brand
    * Carry On movies
    ... etc

    I really doubt the UK standard is to avoid potty/crude/crass humour, or that it is only for ages 10 and under, since most of this list is aimed purely at adults. I'd also hazard a guess that it is in fact enjoyed by many UK adults as the same sort of stuff keeps being made and released decade after decade. There's no use making a product if there's no market for it, or money to be had from it.

    Hell, even Shakespeare wrote dick jokes into his work!
    Posted 12 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hmmn.  I don't find the beans scene funny in blazing saddles. Not my sort of humour.

    and don't be pedantic :P
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Parsley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • XombieKitty, most of the things on your list are 20 or 30 years old and are not popular here any more.  They bring perhaps a nostalgic amusement but things have moved on somewhat.  And smutty does not equal potty. 

    I still hate the snotty dinos.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Parsley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Russell Brand is a current performer.
    Misfits is a currently airing program.
    Red Dwarf has just finished for the year.
    No Heroics ended in 2008.
    Little Britain ended in 2006.

    As I stated, my list shows that this sort of humour has been released decade after decade and is still being made. If it wasn't enjoyed by people it wouldn't be created.

    Edited for your edit: There is smutty and potty humour in these shows.
    Posted 12 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just because you don't find something funny, doesn't mean no adults find it funny. 

    Just as the fact that I find something funny doesn't mean I expect everyone to find it funny. 
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The game's art was drawn by many people, and early on, the mix of styles was a major hook for me.  The more recent artwork is more homogeneous, and though I do like it, it's nice to see new work pop up.  I'm also happy to see more of kt's game design influence, because frankly, if Glitch is going to be a playground without higher-level goals or challenges, I'd rather it have some wilder equipment, like dinosaur intestines. 

    I also like the addition of another method of transport.  Why not add more?  We could have airplane costumes, add fuel cells to them, and fly over regional maps to get where we're going.  Dinosaur snot bubbles + hot 'n' fizzy sauce = hot air balloons.  Set off fireworks, launch into the air, end up someplace else.  Make landing strips from bubbles stuck together with jellisacs.  This game is supposed to be about imagination, so why stick to the mundane? 
    Posted 12 years ago by glum pudding Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am going to marry glum pudding.
    I swear I will.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 to Lucille Ball and Jenny Wren

    I find it tacky and puerile, but I can mostly just avoid it. I understand from the threads on this topic that the artist is apparently famous for this juvenile cartoon style, and I can definitely see it being really appealing to little kids. In the seventies when I was a little kid, I had a Peter Max sleeping bag. I have different tastes now.

    My big complaint is that the dinosaur head entrances blend so badly on the streets. Most entrances to the seam streets or the subways blend in with the scenery around them even when the street inside is radically different and the whole scene flows beautifully. These are garish, simplistic cartoons slapped up on beautiful art. This saddens me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 glum pudding

    and Colette this is that artist by the way  
    Posted 12 years ago by Horakely Subscriber! | Permalink
  • First, I love the idea of there being an alternate method of travel -- essentially, free teleport sites you can use without having to learn ay new skill or use any energy.

    I have to agree about the artwork, though. The disconnect between the look of the dinos and the look of the streets they appear on is -- well -- disconcerting and very unGlichian. They really ought to be customized to the streets,I think. The way it is now, they just look like they were stuck there with no regard for their surroundings. Also, the teeth bubbles are just silly.

    As to the potty humor it's great fun at first but I can see that it wlll get old really fast. I personally am not offended by it, and even if I were I certainly wouldn't cancel my subscription over it. I mean, I can just ignore the whole thing and use the subway system (which REALLY needs to be extended) or bite the bullet and learn more teleportation  skills.

    Praise to the giants.
    Posted 12 years ago by Scooter ModLibber Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @xombiekitty -- Red Dwarf just restarted with six episodes on a very minor channel after more than a decade since the last series. Misfits is likewise on one of the minor channels. And Russell Brand has been given a lot of help to get him over the scandal of his obscene calls to Andrew Sachs. I think you've got maybe three programmes there that wouldn't be described as having mostly a cult following and weren't initially aired on channels which were satisfied with smaller cult followings or critical approval to keep them being made. Our way of making tv is not the US way of making tv. And what cult tv programmes are available on tv channels aimed at 'lads' and teenagers seems kind of off topic to whether a main transport hub in an online game is or is not more amusing with the sound of farts continually letting rip. Do you really think it'll be anything but an annoying buzz in the headphones two weeks or two months from now?

    Several people have said that a new free system for getting around Ur is a good thing. I'm not so sure. Wanting to get from one place to another quickly is why I learned teleportation (with all it's limitations). Introducing a less limited form of travel to the game makes it easier for people not to learn to teleport, reduces the value of teleport tokens and teleport scripts, and lessens any need to make choices about where to expend your time and energies. Almost all of my initial contacts with other players were made when I was a young Glitch taking long walks in Ur. People hurrying too or from a transport hub are hard to get into conversation with. It's hard to give them gifts, or ask them for help, or... any of the things that helped me see this as a game community rather than a bunch of people playing a game in the same imaginary space.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actually, if you go back and read my first post again, you'll see that ALL I commented on was this:

    "I am from UK and it is expected that people get over potty humour by puberty. It is not funny to most adults, or those past the age of about 10."

    I didn't comment on the game in that post. I was refuting a claim that in the UK it's expected that people get over potty humour by puberty, by pointing out that the UK has a history of excelling at that exact sort of humour.

    I'm not sure why you think it's important to point out that there are differences between UK and USA TV. I'm actually in Australia if you're trying to use my location to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

    Red Dwarf did air for a six episode season this year but it aired more recently than a decade before that, as you've stated. Red Dwarf actually last aired in 2009 before the current season.

    Regardless of if you feel the programs listed are on secondary channels or not, it doesn't actually change the fact that these shows, relying on this sort of humour, get made time and again, decade after decade.

    As for being off topic, since I was commenting on the above quoted text only, no, nothing I've said is off topic from that. I think one person speaking for everyone that lives in their country and then applying that to an online community is just as relevant as what I've said.
    Posted 12 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Is this the wrong time to tell stoot of my secret ambition to marry him?
    Posted 12 years ago by Ultra-Dynamic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cause I was amused
    Posted 12 years ago by Wandering Confusion Subscriber! | Permalink
  • LOVE your ideas Glum Pudding!
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ Jenny Wren. I have all the teleportation skills and tokens I could ever need and I still think the new system is a good idea for getting around Ur. Not everybody has the means for getting around and maybe someone needs this for the time being before they get all the skills learned. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like Shim Shiri
    a lot more glitchy than most of the recent content ^^
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
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