
Staff Topic

New blog post outlining unlocks from The Lucky Streak

The post and all the details are on our blog. Your feedback is welcome here!

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Still nekkid.
    Posted 12 years ago by richi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "increased the stack sizes of all types of herb and pumpkin seeds to 50"

    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Although that makes my SDB full o' yellow crumb suddenly not full at all

    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'd like to go on record of approval for all of it.  The dinosaurs are particularly weird, but I still love them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love it all!!
    Thank you TS!!
    Posted 12 years ago by sgjo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe put something about the feats on the forum when they're happening? I checked out both the Glitch game and the forum each day this week and had no clue anything was going on, which makes me sad. It should show up in the twitter feed to the side there at least, not just announced in this post when it's all over and too late.
    Posted 12 years ago by shelleycat Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awesome!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Tumahura Subscriber! | Permalink
  • shelleycat  -  they're announced VERY prominently on the homepage. 
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lol, I completely missed this feat

    But this stuff looks

    Posted 12 years ago by Sororia Rose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like the new shortcuts.   I never ride the subway because it's boring, but the passages through digestive tracts are much more entertaining.
    Posted 12 years ago by Galnoir Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The dinosaurs are particularly creepy.  Or would be if they weren't so cute.  They make me feel confused (which did not stop me from riding the intestinal wave inside each and every one).

    I have to say that the name 'Asslandia' doesn't strike me as particularly Glitchy - there's no word puzzle it's just right out there no extra sss or anything.  I'd of expected more cleverness in the joke. *shrug*

    (apparently that's already been noticed - so never you mind and what splendid customer service to take care of that before I even mentioned it)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ida Keen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i am loving the intense weirdness of the new inter-tubes and cute ass play. Thanks TS!
    Posted 12 years ago by Dagny Taggart Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for that stack size change! Hugely appreciated.

    If one of the next Feats could unlock stack splitting, that would be truly ginchy.
    Posted 12 years ago by ZenMonkey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would like to see pumpkins stack up in our bags please. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love that some of keita's art style has been injected into the game. I can't get enough personally.
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love the party scraping. Wish it was easier to coordinate the scraping. Like maybe if we are following one glitch and that glitch scrapes, we all scrape. That would be cool.

    I think this was an awesome feat and rewards.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tibbi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So, are these dinosaur colons replacing the subways, or merely supplementing them? (Hopefully, supplementing.)
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Where is my machinist hat? I run Glitch Trains and I NEED a machinist hat... vertical strips could be nice.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Remember the Asslando!
    Posted 12 years ago by Zadow, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Asslando Calrissian?
    Posted 12 years ago by Minkey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel compelled to post my feelings about Shim Shiri, because I think game developers need to know when they make errors in judgement that will potentially cost them players and you DID ask for feedback. If Shim Shiri is the future direction of Glitch, I'm not going to stay interested for long. Most of the humor in Glitch is fairly subtle, with literary quotes, clever double entendres, and quirky unexpected juxtapositions like talking rocks and squeezing chickens to get grain. It's absolutely delightful.

    In contrast, Shim Shiri strikes me as crass, in-your-face, toilet humor. Now that the initial "OMG WTF?" has worn off, I find it puerile rather than funny. Visiting once was fun and it Shim Shiri would have been perfect as a quest. Unfortunately, instead Shim Shiri is a transportation hub and now I'm playing a game where I have to either climb up giant assholes or forego a way to travel the game world. The artwork isn't as good as newly released content either. The snotty dinosaurs look out of place on the streets and Shim Shiri doesn't have the beauty of Jal or Nottis. I'm not particularly happy about this development and it has me really questioning Tiny Speck's judgement and the future direction of the game. I was seriously considering ending my subscription yesterday but I'll keep it going in the hopes that this is an outlier and not a more general change of direction towards puerile humor and cartoonish art.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A+ for Keita's additions! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Piratice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • TS, I had my fun with Shim Shiri. I don't have anything to complain about. I didn't find any of it offensive. But, it does make me worry about the future development of the game. I can't pin-point it. I just have this feeling of "worry". Right now there is a great amount of respectful content. A certain amount intelligence. I don't want to see any of that disappear with too much "childish" content. I mean no one any disrespect. You did want our input. This is mine.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • While I enjoyed the name Asslandia the best, I see the new name now as a return to that "subtle" humor that we're used to.

    Especially since there will be those who were so highly offended by the name Asslandia who will be happy with the new name and have no clue what it is that they are actually saying. 

    Posted 12 years ago by Kaelyn Renai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Huh, it was still Asslandia when I logged off last night.  I saw the trouble brewing on global but am still amazed that the name changed so quickly.  Should have translated "Assland" into Aramaic or pulled a toilet-humour-ish quote from Ulysses or something in the first place, I guess, let the crowd here feel literary and smarter than the masses, as is their wont, while squeezing cartoon chickens.

    Visiting Assland when it was Assland is going to be one of those "I WAS THERE!!!1!" moments months from now, isn't it?  :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ms. Beagle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No problem at all with Shim Shiri, loved it, those who think it is not adequate has not been in this game long enough or are missing the true subtext of Glitch: is not a cutesy game for children.

    If you play Glitch you should leave your morals at the door.

    I like it, keep working on it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love it. That's all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Candy Warhol Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am very pleased that the GPS takes into account using the intestinal shortcuts.  That was always lacking with the subway.  Nice addition.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Loving all the wonderful unlocks!

    - The upgrade/increase in ice nubbins, along with increase in stack size, are very sensible.
    - Yay to Traincoats!
    - The HI Evasion badges would be out of my reach for a good long while...
    - Despite the controversy (which I suspect is a little advert gimmick to get players talking),
    I heartily welcome Shim Shiri & all the Dinos because:
    1) the art style is an essential counter/alternative to the 'realistic' scenery we have for, say, Jal/Nottis. It is very enjoyable to bounce between regions admiring these very different themes.
    2) And Moshi Moshi Oshilatis is such a quirky version of the Metro Underground Station XDD
    Excellent design and colors schemes too.

    ETA: Kudos to TS for being an "Equal Opportunity Developer" and bestow us with kt, kukubee,
    and the not for the faint of heart, ice nubbins in Nottis!!!!

    Thank you again for all the hard work!! *hearts*
    Posted 12 years ago by Maruchan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I find that entire street offensive. I don't want to feel forced to go through the anus of an animal just to travel someplace fast, yet when you put six different portals in the same place you almost make it a necessity.

    Disappointed with the direction this game is going...
    Posted 12 years ago by Bashere Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My one complaint about our new ass transit system is that it still doesn't go far enough to the north. Would love to see a dino up in Aranna or Vantalu. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Coco Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Inside the whale? Pinocchio! ...Japanese anime? Kinda cute.. My 15 year Old says psychotic. It's so silly to escape a carnivore's digestion as a prey I am free free ..@_@. silly diversion. Lighten up 
    Posted 12 years ago by Ethereal Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lighten up? You're saying you believe the opinions of people who don't agree with you should be trivialized? Because that's what "lighten up" means.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like the whole port-hole ;)  idea. It is good for the ones who don't have tokens to travel with. Even the digestional tract bit doesn't bother me. Just the theme they used doesn't seem to fit with the whole Glitch story in my opinion.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "I don't want to feel forced to go through the anus of an animal just to travel someplace fast, yet when you put six different portals in the same place you almost make it a necessity."

    A necessity? What did you do before ass travel? How did you survive??
    Posted 12 years ago by Shepherdmoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OK, I've been thinking about it and I think I should apologize for my flippant, sarcastic response. Quite unbecoming of me. Instead I think I should explain why I reacted that way:

    The whole thing just reminds me of an attitude that is becoming increasingly prevalent in society lately (or at least, the society I am a part of, not sure about other parts of the world). The line between necessity and luxury is being blurred. "I have to have the latest ipad/smart phone/blah-blah/whatever, or I can't possibly survive"... "Want" and "need" are really two very different things, and certainly my 4 year old has no clue what the difference is, but I would expect adults to have some inkling of it. I can see how my cell phone (an ancient thing that can do little more than make phone calls and send texts, which I hate doing) is highly convenient and I wouldn't want to live without it, but I remember the very recent past when all I had was a land-line, and somehow I got by. It really isn't a necessity, no matter how much I might like it.

    The second part of this issue that baffles me is that there is something a bazillion times better out there then "ass travel"! It's called "teleporting". All you need to do is spend the time to learn the skills and BAM!! You can teleport ANYWHERE of your choosing, not just the 6 places that have portals to the new hub region. You can choose up to 3 locations (almost) anywhere, to set as teleport-points that you can go to an infinite number of times as long as you have the energy, and even those can be changed at a whim. Even beyond that--you have a certain number of map teleports that you can use for free each day, where you can teleport anywhere on the map instantly... beyond that, if you have teleportation credits, you can do it even more often.... how can this new transportation method even compare? 

    Since I know how to teleport, I have little reason to go to this new region beyond the novelty of it, so I will likely rarely be back. If I do go back, it will probably just be to show it to other people. It's hardly a necessity, and definitely not a requirement. Don't quit Glitch because of this very tiny, unnecessary aspect.
    Posted 12 years ago by Shepherdmoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, I gave it a try, not wanting to draw my conclusions based on snaps or the remarks of others... As feedback has been invited in the opening post, here's mine:

    Not impressed.

    I have no criticism for the style or art - one of the things I love about Glitch is the variety of styles.

    I simply don't find the theme - "toilet humor" as it's been called - to be appealing or particularly amusing.
    Posted 12 years ago by LynnieR Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Anyone else just pleased that these dinos' intestines are remarkably pristine? Maybe they have some diet tips to share? ;)

    (as for the new releases, including this new "transit system", I LOVE it all! Very well designed; the new "hi-scores" for dodging hi's is quite thoughtful, by bringing competition to those who want it while letting others easily ignore it; of course the upgrades to ice-scraping everyone's been anxious about, can't complain there!... But Shim Shiri is a stand-out for me: Cute, crude, adventurous, ridiculous, and fun to travel, all at once :D.... the only sore spot is the backlash, which I feel is inevitable when there's butts (even if there's no poop!). In short, +1)
    Posted 12 years ago by Bradamus Prime Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am getting tired of seeing people being told they're prudes or have missed the subtext of the rest of Glitch as a defence of Asslandia. I adore the sub and not so subtext of Glitch... I loved how it sneaked up on me during my first days of play that this really couldn't be a matter of accident or innocence but was meant to sound just like it did (It's always a little tricky when dealing with US culture etc because your pants are not our pants) -- though squeezing a chicken still makes me think of gangsterish implications rather than sexual ones... That said Asslandia's extended fart joke isn't subtle or subtextual at all. It's a ten year old yelling 'a bug' really fast (it's vaguely cute and amusing boundary testing from a four-year-old by ten it starts being a disturbing sign of social dysfunction).

    I also found it kind of boring. I spent a couple of minutes waiting to see if the dinosaur's bubble would actually do anything. Poked and prodded and in the end it was just a dying dinosaur (like the triceratops(?) in Jurassic Park) which made me feel sad rather than amused. At least with the subway you have to have papers, read a map, push a button etc. (And yes, maps... which wouldn't open for me while I was down there, so I couldn't check where the various tubes would eventually lead. And sorry devs, however clever the names may be I haven't bothered memorising the entire map.) It's a long way to go without any kind of interaction (even the train you have to be alert about getting off) -- jump in the mouth, intestines, asslandia, locate the correct ass-beam, intestines, jump out of the mouth. It's a long and winding trail without even the nervous edge of maybe missing your stop (!!!)

    Plus there's also the problem of Asslandia being meant to be there long term in extended sound and vision. The remarks by trees etc come and go, but try being queued for an ass beam with the farts thundering and the snort-worthiness quickly moves on to wanting an off switch. Very little purely shock-based humour works with endless repetition and the advantage of the rest of Glitch's subtle style is that it doesn't demand attention. It draws you in. The fart noises and ass beams scream 'be amused'. That can get really irritating very quickly -- the first comparison I thought of is how ****** still thinks 'it won't fit me' is worth saying in response to 'could you put the kettle on' even though it's been three decades since he first said it. As has been noted, if this were a quest or a seam street, where you go back after a days or months, depending on how fixated one is with the idea that arseholes are intrinsically amusing I'd consider it a less well thought out concept from an otherwise stellar team. But it looks like it's meant to be a part of everyday gameplay. That makes me wonder if the Glitch I love isn't more of a demonstration of random chance than intelligent design

    I'd finally been tempted into using my free subscriber month (because I've been playing the game so much I figured it was time to pony up some money but wanted to get my freebies before I did -- yes, I am that cheap) and I very likely will spend that bit of money anyhow. But -- I was also tempted by the savings of the yearly subscription (and the credits) and today I'm a lot less tempted than I was before Asslandia. I was really really enjoying playing an adult game. Goal orientated with quiet adult humour. I was getting used to the idea that the devs were GODS! and creating near infallible fun. Asslandia plunged me into one of *those* children's tv shows, or *those* comedians whose work goes straight to DVD -- where right after the fart jokes comes the homophobia, misogyny, and mother-in-law jokes. It gave me pause. It shook my growing faith.

    So it's not that I'm a prude -- it's that I like my adult humour fresh and original and smart. Not stale and smelling of fag-ends and farts.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It will always be Asslandia to me. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by La La Not Listening Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think the dinosaurs are super cute and I think shim shiri is a creative and fun way of travelling around the world that fills in some gaps from the subway.  I typically hate "fart joke" style humor, and it doesn't come off that way to me.  I don't think anyone who dislikes it is a prude or not okay with childish humor however, we're all allowed to have our own opinions.  It would be a shame if this small thing defines "glitch's humor" or makes people want to leave.  Sometimes I think this game is idealized too much because it does have such different attitudes and a different community than a lot of games, but not everything about it will always be perfect for everyone.
    I think they're cute and fun, and I also think it will be very easy for anyone who would prefer not to go to shim shiri to easily do that.  I don't play for too often at a time, so I usually just get around with teleports myself.
    I also am aware that contributions from Keita Takahashi is the reason the friend who introduced me to Glitch (and I'm assuming at least some other people) ever even heard about it and it's nice to see some art style that is noticeably his.
    Posted 12 years ago by Horakely Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Horakely My thoughts exactly. I don't see anything offensive about it or anything worth canceling your sub over. And hey, it's thanks to the guy who brought the world Katamari. And it's pretty convenient to use.
    Posted 12 years ago by Yuki Aiko Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just noticed that the insides of the dinosaurs have patterns. Like the brown one has hearts, and the orange one has stars. Awwwww. (I am not even the kind of person who likes hearts on things, but this is OK. Glitch, what are you doing to me?!)
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr. Foxsocks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Meh.  I'll keep teleporting, thanks.  The new system just doesn't appeal to me. Seems kind of silly and not necessary. 

    Glitch has several things I don't like...but it's so complex I don't have to like it all to keep playing. The rest of the changes are awesome!
    Posted 12 years ago by Feylin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Horakely...I have a long post here, that express about the same sentiments.

    I can see though where there are some concerns of the humor going from witty to crass with the intro of the ice "nubbins" (check the online urban dictionary for the more crass definitions), and then the original name of the new location...however, it is a fine line to walk in the humor's hoping the trend doesn't continue down the juvenile road, and can get back on track (the new location name change was a good start, IMO).

    Glad to see the improvement for ice scrapping in groups.  Haven't tried it yet, but that is a positive change.  Liking the train coats, and look forward to the critter coats coming out next.
    Posted 12 years ago by White Ibis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • TY Jenny Wren, prefect post.
    I know the dinos are pretty much avoidable but so is paying to play this game. I already ended my subscription. I just don't feel like paying someone to call me a turd. It's just not a funny joke to me and one I don't want to have to see to be able to traverse the game in a reasonable time.  If the PTB come up with an alternative maybe I will rethink my membership but till then I can play the game pretty much from my own street and that's where i guess I will stay.
    As for being a prude that is the last thing anyone that knew me would call me but I out grew toilet humor a long time ago. I came here to play an adult game.  there are plenty of games on the internet that are aimed at kids.
    Posted 12 years ago by SassafrasTea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree with you Sassafras. I also did not renew my subscription. If they won't listen to our concerns about the direction of Glitch on the forums, perhaps we can make their investors listen via our pocketbooks.
    Posted 12 years ago by Bashere Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oooh! Ragequits! Unsubscribes! OccupyUr.

    I can understand the reason for those who do not like the latest dino releases.

    IMO: Yes, there is some cognitive dissonance regarding the art direction between the art of the region, and the art of the dino.

    But beyond that?  It's fun, it's silly, and I've been having a great time using the new "system" to get around.

    The peristalsis noises alone make me blow beer through my nose.

    Wait, there IS a peristalsis noise, right?  Or is that me?

    But to read lines typed in this thread about how folks feel insulted (TS is NOT calling you a turd) is, at times, even more hilarious.

    I for one rejoice in our new dino overlords.
    And the snot bubble thing is just hurting my face from grinning.

    Then again, I am a man, and we still love our digestive humor.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • people are up in arms over cartoon dinosaur butts, and are threatening to cancel their subs because it's not "adult" for Glitch and will lead to a sudden dumbing down of the game. Pick your battles wisely. Sheesh. I don't see how it is offensive/disturbing aside from the cheap potty humor. Is it really worth it to go on strike for something so trivial as a new hub concept one doesn't like.  And the devs ARE very much aware of the backlash (they read the forums). And they do listen. If one is going to cancel a sub, do it for something much bigger than a  hub one doesn't even have to use (protesting something unfair, getting cheated, REALLY offensive/disturbing content, etc.) Why threaten them financially over something so insignificant in terms of the  grand scope of the game? Just state one's discontent on the forums. They'll get it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Yuki Aiko Subscriber! | Permalink
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