Lucille Ball

Cooking my way through Ur! Anyone want a sammich?


Lucille Ball

A fine example of cubimal art on Kukubee's home street

Lucille Ball

Finally finished that second set of emblems for my shrine!

Smallchalet Smallchalet added Lucille Ball as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Milmo is a platform jumper, but it's 3D. It's free, you might want to try it. Very minimal combat so far for me. Jumping, collecting qu... er.. coins & gems. Figuring out puzzles. Get your own house and there are avatar clothes..

2 replies

Status update
Lucille Ball

I tried Milmo. It's charming but I kept falling off cliffs. :-/

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Wynella

    Yeah. I saw a cliff yesterday and jumped off it and couldn't find a way out. I'm really hoping there isn't a lot of dexterity or agility required, because I'm not good at that stuff. Standing I can do, with some practice. ;)

    1 reply


Bye and thanks!
Thanks so much for bringing your vision to life, even if it was shorter than we would have liked. I be watching Tiny Speck for more interesting and wonderful things.

Best wishes,
Lucille Ball