Depressed Sukistar

(Vanessa E.)

My Name On OurWorld Is Suks My Animal Jam Is Vanbunny My Email Is My Minecraft Username Is Sukistar


Status update
Depressed Sukistar

I wrote a tribute song for Glitch gonna sing it and put it on YouTube!

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Bdvger Bdvger added Depressed Sukistar as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Keeda Neopets Glitchen Guild Updates: New message for the log, Written by Keeda.. Now there are seven members, Keep on joining. Free pizza for new members.

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Status update
1 reply
  1. Keeda

    Yay! I'm glad that you questioned me, Now I know I am not the only one on Neo. Okay, So first you need to log in, Then you click community > Guilds . And that is where you join a guild. But if you join my guild, (Please :3.) Just log in to neo and click the link above. There will be a button called join guild around there.

Lucille Ball

A fine example of cubimal art on Kukubee's home street

Lucille Ball

Finally finished that second set of emblems for my shrine!


Thank You TinySpeck!
Thank You TinySpeck! Even if you think you failed us I'm just happy I got to experience Glitch and I wish so hard that there was something I could do but I can't This Game Was Absolutely Preposterous you right but you know i didn't just kind of like it, This game Is Absolutely Preposterous But I Loved It and it was the best game I ever played nothing will replace Glitch and even though it's going away I'll always remember it and all the fun times i had on Glitch i finally found my favorite website It's Absolutely Preposterous But I Loved It And Forever Will. ^_^