Bradamus Prime


Imagined on: Theday 10th of Eleventy, year 17


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Brad, I didn't have a chance to say goodbye and good luck at the end. Thanks for being such a nice neighbor! I'm glad I met you in this preposterous game called Glitch.

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Status update
Bradamus Prime

So long to you too! :) You were a great neighbor as well, always visiting! Good luck in your future endeavors :)

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Status update
Bradamus Prime

I just... Keep coming back to Not sure why exactly, but it's nice to see activity on my feed :3

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1 reply
  1. Axa

    Brad, I didn't have a chance to say goodbye and good luck at the end. Thanks for being such a nice neighbor! I'm glad I met you in this preposterous game called Glitch.

    1 reply