

I am Happy! :)


Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Saywhat as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Downloaded Glitchamaphone to my ipad2 and... NO SOUND! what the...? where is the bug button?

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Status update
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Status update

Damn I miss Glitch... could use some butterflies 'LA' and some trees 'Aah' right about now...

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Status update

Downloaded Glitchamaphone to my ipad2 and... NO SOUND! what the...? where is the bug button?

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caley dunn caley dunn added Saywhat as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Little Poundcake

Who wants a sneak peek at something we're working on for the encyclopedia? Do you? If so, you should click this!

6 replies

Status update

ohmigawd... you're killing us with cuteness overload!

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