Carl Projectorinski

(Jonathan W. Sodt (A.K.A. Fenmere, the Worm))

I'd love to hear from any of you! I am highly active on Facebook, and update my blog regularly at


Status update
Carl Projectorinski

See you in the real world, guys! At least until we dream up something better again!

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Oh, I didn't really break it. I uploaded art for my banner but when I selected it to make it the banner, it said it wasn't a viable option. I screamed at it and then it just shrugged and said "no" awwwww

2 replies

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Oh, it's a huge file! 25 megs! But that should be OK, the server should be able to reduce it. However, it needs to be a jpg or a png, with the extension in the file name. And DON'T click "use original image" on that one!

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Oh, I didn't really break it. I uploaded art for my banner but when I selected it to make it the banner, it said it wasn't a viable option. I screamed at it and then it just shrugged and said "no" awwwww

2 replies

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Oh, OK! I'll take a look at it and see what's wrong.

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Let me know if I can help with the kicking!!! (And thank the giants, Minkey didn't blame me for the broken jam!)

2 replies

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Thank you! I'll have a long list of community kicking projects here fairly "soon". It seems like every time I get something off my desk, three more things jump onto it screaming. And most of them are either personal or bureaucratic.

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what have you kicked? I broke jam by the way.

1 reply

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Oh, I've been kicking various things, a parking ticket, unemployment, kickstarter plans, a comic book cover, all sorts of things! How did you break Jam? It might not have been you, but I need details!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Minkey

    Oh, I didn't really break it. I uploaded art for my banner but when I selected it to make it the banner, it said it wasn't a viable option. I screamed at it and then it just shrugged and said "no" awwwww

    2 replies