
The memoirs of Jardex - Purple user, herbalist, and hermit

By the title, this is just little ol me, Jardex, writing about my experience in Glitch.  It will be long, but bear with me.

I was first introduced to Glitch in September of 2011.  There was an article on IGN describing a game where players built the world.  I signed up for the beta, but recieved no follow up.  After that it was a long period of silence.

About a year passed and I finally recieved an email.  My first thoughts of the game were good.  I liked the idea that you had to pay (with img) for the simplest upgrades.  It felt like a commentary on modern microtransaction models.  The fact you had to wait for upgrades and farm crops reinforced this thought.

I started out with cooking skills.  I remember the good times nibbling pig and making sammies.  I can make a MEAN sammich.  It expanded into gardening, then herbalism, which brings me to...

PURPLE!  I realized Glitch wasn't just a kids game when I experienced purple.  The fact that the devs included it, showed me they were pretty funny guys.  After my first party, I added a small herb patch to my back yard and started growing purple.  Soon a Distiller was added, and a Hooch operation was started.  Good Times...

My Butler was named Doctor and he wore a Bow Tie (cuz, y'know, bow ties are cool).  Soon enough, someone left me three Chickens named Melody, Karen, and Amy.  They provided me with many a grain.  A few pigs were left too, but they died.  

I had plans for the future.  I spent time looking for Music Blocks.  I planned to open a museum/library.  That way, Urians could hear the sounds of the rare blocks without a large chunk of change.  I needed a tower first and I need to level up to do that.

Only a few days ago did I reach the required level to build a tower.  Since then, I have been accumulating iMG to build it.  Now it feels a bit moot.  

I am glad that the Giants imagined me, but of course, I have a few regrats.  Mainly, I never got involved with the community.  I have a total of 12 friends (most of them from the purple party), and I hardly talked with them after our initial meeting.  I didn't join groups, I didn't post on the forum.  nothing.  Then again, why regret spilled milk.  As our existence slowly fades away my fellow Urians, I hope we enjoy it with plenty of Hooch and Purple.  Goodbye.

Posted 12 years ago by Jardex Subscriber! | Permalink