
Bringing Glitch to LIFE!

This is a tall order.  I don't imagine to expect people to pull anything like this off, at least on the level we'd all like to see!  And yet, well, read on if you please...

The closing of Glitch brings to bear a theme that's been big in my life.  Heck, even before Glitch was closing, I've been thinking about this:  How to make the real world more like the best parts of my imagination.

We've been spending a lot of time and energy listing all the things that makes Glitch great, which is an absolutely wonderful thing to do!

How about if some of us also start listing the things that we already do in real life that mimic or reflect this greatness?  This could be anything from making things cute to supporting each other in a time of need.

Also, this is a time to unabashedly brag about our humble efforts to be good people.  Here's mine:

- When I have the time, I draw people postcards (upon request), and send them hand drawn original illustrations via snail mail for no charge.  Sometimes, I surprise someone.

- I sew my own kilts and try to wear them whenever possible.  (Wardrobe, anyone?)

- When one of my friends does something amazing, I share it on all my social networking sites.

- And just like on Glitch, I do attend parties occasionally, bringing a small plate of food and sitting in the corner and listening in on everyone else's conversations.  And I usually have a drink an hour or two before I go.  And the whole time, yes, I am thinking about my own projects.

- I still write poetry occasionally, and I have been known to leave it lying around for someone to pick up and puzzle over.  Sometimes a janitor just picks it up and throws it in the trash, but that's no different.

It's not so much that I'm proud of these things, but that I'd love to read more ideas, and maybe prompt suggestions on how to make mine better!  Thank you.

Posted 11 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Carl, you wear kilts?  SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Men in Kilts make me drool on my shoes.
    Posted 11 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have embarrassing pictures on Facebook if you really want to test that theory.

    I'm still working on my style, and since I don't have subscriber status in reality yet, it hasn't quite come together...
    Posted 11 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The whole random acts of kindness thing has always appealed to me.  I like doing stuff that CANNOT be repaid.  I have to do it knowing the only payback is making me smile.

    A colleague and I often pay for someone else's meal before we leave a restaurant - especailly if we can see that it is a special occassion for them.

    I have given stuff away to people who just look like they need a cheering up.  

    Once I gave the rest of my season tickets for a theatre series to a woman sitting next to me because during the interval she told me how much she loved going to plays but could not aford it very often.

    I sometimes leave notes on random people's windscreens - of course they think someone ran into their car or something, but they say stuff like  "Weather forecast for tonight: dark. (George Carlin)" or "There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap. (Kevin James)."

    I try to maintain the philosophy that life is not for getting somewhere, it is for stopping to pet the pigies and admiring the view while you ramble around the world.
    Posted 11 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I sometimes sneak out with my watering can and water my neighbour's garden
    Posted 11 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • For a while, at my favorite coffee shop, it was common for customers to quietly pay for the drinks of the costumers behind them.  It would roll on and on like that throughout the day, and it would probably take just one person to get it going again.
    Posted 11 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When I notice passengers next to me peering over my shoulder on plane trips, I hand them the book at the end of the flight.

    I look for platforms and try to jump in trees in other online games as if I were playing Glitch. I also often go off path in other games looking for the scenery and other unexpected wonders but rarely find them as wonderful as here.
    Posted 11 years ago by Dagnabbit Rabbit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am currently experiencing that "full of pie" feeling in real life.
    It's not particularly Glitchy, but the sameness between life and the game makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
    Posted 11 years ago by Dr. Foxsocks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like doing nice things for people, in secret (ie they never know it was me. It just pleases to see people happy, without all the fuss of geeting credit,or thank yous and attached obligations of returning the favor or gift, always found that bit awkward.)

    I was happy to find random acts of kindness as a huge theme in glitch. and i loved leaving stuff around for people to find here and there in UR, lipping and rainbowing houses and so on. would love to do that more IRL without having to worry about getting arrested. :p
    Posted 11 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My husband and I make a point of talking to the store/restaurant manager when we've had GOOD service. And sometimes that means making a phone call after we get home, or even the next day. They're always pleasantly surprised when they realize we're not lodging a complaint.
    Posted 11 years ago by Cleric Wens Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am actually performing random acts of kindness in my job. Things I hadn't really thought about before. I can visualize people as fellow Glitchen, instead of asshats who are just trying to make my day hard. That sounds awful, I know. But I work in the accounting dept of a hospital - not a well-loved, fuzzy position. Lots of people start out on the defensive. They are worried and shy. I try to offer them something nice. An open mind, a patient ear, some empathy. I don't think I was insensitive before but Glitch has clarified the importance of simple kindness. I will always be grateful for this. And all of you.
    Posted 11 years ago by Patricia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, if you really want to confuse a grocery store manager, tell them how your checkout person was fast, efficient, and courteous.  

    I've had some of them apologize to me three times in a row, while I, increasingly desperately, try to convey that I'm complimenting the person who checked me out.

    But I agree, I am much happier complimenting good performance than focusing on subpar.

    Posted 11 years ago by SchWM Subscriber! | Permalink