
Points calculation details for Tottly's Toys

This feat gives players more way to contribute that any previous feats, so let's break down the numbers here:

Bear kiss, hug, hi-five, moon - 1 point per verb per player per day
Random Kindness - 1 point per use [1]
Using a Camera - 1 point | 90 seconds cooldown
Giving a fortune cookie to another player  - 1 point | Cost: 200 currants [2][3]
Racing Cubimals with distance longer than 5 planks - 2 points | Probability: Unknown
Rolling Pair of Dice with score greater than or equal to 9 - 2 points | Probability: 10/36 = 0.278
Rolling a 12-Sided Die with Rook as outcome - 3 points | -50 mood, Probability: 1/12 = 0.0833
Releasing Cubimals - 5 points | Cost: 5500 currants [3]
Joining a party with more than 11 or more players  - Unknown - if you have the relevant information, please post them below.

The following actions currently do not give any points for this feat (likely due to bugs):
Giving and receiving gift boxes, breaking fortune cookies, reading fortunes

If you need to find a toy vendor, there's one in the quest the Greedy Street Spirit Story, which can be repeated using the Emotional Bear. You can also find the nearest toy vendor using info finding mode by pressing i on your keyboard. Good luck on your feating!

If you spot any error please feel free to comment and I'll update the post.


[1]: Is not limited to a single player per day, unlike bear verbs
[2]: Need more information on whether passing a cookie around in circle or back and forth, and multiple cookies to the same person counts
[3]: Costs can be lowered by up to 10% if you have the upgrades

Posted 11 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink


  • nice boomy!
    Posted 11 years ago by sudv ♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My only issue with this is, releasing cubimals doesn't cost that. Just use commons bought from people's towers. There's still some for 100c at this point ;)
    Posted 11 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is probably the grindest feat yet. To do this quickly, simply purchase one bagful (16) cubimal boxes, open them using b to access the inventory using the keyboard and right + enter + enter, then enter, up twice then enter twice for each cubimal to release them. Repeat ad infinitum. This costs 1k currants per point. Alternatively, simply buy 16 dice and do the rolls repeated using right + enter + enter.

    In short, the feat can be reduced to three keyboard presses, which you do as quickly as possibly and more quickly as possible to get up the leaderboards. No special strategy, thinking or skills needed. If you have the right software, you can probably set something up in seconds (though if you are thinking of doing this, it might be a good idea to put the game down for a while and do something else. It's not worth it, seriously.)

    I've also put up the numbers for this feat. The distribution is a little disturbing. Currently, nearly 50% of the contributions come from the top 26 players. The top players have more than 20x the contribution of the 100th player, who have more than 10x the contribution of the 750th player.
    Posted 11 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If you're really leaderboard-motivated, it's super-grindy.  But all the feats have had some optimal way to grind them.  If you just want to participate and rack up some points, there are so many ways to noodle around and enjoy it.  It's like the quest feat in that way -- the top people are grinding like mad, but for the masses it's much *less* grindy than, say, mourning or preposterizing.
    Posted 11 years ago by Fnibbit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *giggle*

    That's fantastic.
    Posted 11 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink