

Status update

7 years of crossing our fingers and hoping not to starve. We finally get a job that will pay our bills and let us save for things we need (like a car and a safe place to live), and they're....closing. Moving the entire company elsewhere. He has only been there two months. 70+ people will now be entering a completely empty job market within this small town. There's nothing left for us anymore. Anywhere.

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Status update

I just answered a very serious, sombre phone call WAYYYY too cheerfully. I couldn't have known, of course, but I feel terrible now anyways.

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bored no more

for those of you that aren't friends with me on FB or are and haven't heard, my family and I are being evicted. I have no idea where I will be living in about a month. We may be able to get a few more months, but we can't stay. I feel so lost right now.

37 replies

Status update

Oh no! We've been through that, but we're in a very good province where you can delay it by forcing it to go through mediation. We delayed it long enough to find a new place and give notice, because we weren't willing to have a wrongful, made-up-reasons eviction in our past. Have you checked if you have a local/state/provincial tenancy branch of government? Of course, that will only work if they're being weird jerks. Nothing can usually be done if it's for the owners to move in themselves or their direct family.

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Status update

Omg cuties! They're all eating right now and it's adorable.

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  1. Squiggle-Squee

    I love the one that has a mask like Batman!

Status update

Two loose dogs found in one week (and I only left the house three times!) Luckily, the giant husky was spotted while my husband was around to wrangle it and help hold on to it while we found the owner, and I found the little escaped shihtzu when I was alone ;)

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Gonjo Gonjo added Biohazard as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago