

[Saucelah] Red sauce! bubble route curator, peanut butter


Status update

Hey, I finally got a job and stuff and things. I've only been trying for longer than I got to play Glitch.

7 replies

7 replies
  1. kastlin

    That's great news, Sauce!! Will we be seeing your name in the credits of a game soon?

  2. Kochanski

    Great news! Oodles of Glitchy luck to you! :D

Status update

New post on Gaming with Sauce: "Glitch Guest -- The Search for Something Preposterous: Tinkatolli" My first guest blogger! More guest bloggers wanted! acronymph reviews Tinkatolli! Helikitties are still awesome! Exclamations!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Minkey

    so excited to read this review!! I had been slowing down on tinkatolli because, well, school. The advent of clothes didn't get me back in. The arrival of SPECTACLES heralded a whole new love for my little... (I wanna call her "Glitch") ...Tinka! She is so cute!!! Out there, in the world, collecting things. Minkey Tinkey!! (I added some more exclamation points, for your benefit and mine)

    1 reply

Reply to

Agreed. Had I known it were more so a necessity than an attempt to emulate Zynga's business model, I would've reacted differently.

1 reply

Status update

I can't say I would have reacted differently. Then again, I felt the comparisons to Zynga were over the top and uncalled for. But I did not participate because quite simply, I do not have friends that would have reacted positively to unsolicited invites, and I had already invited those that were interested. I did talk to one friend that I thought of and asked, but he was too busy and would not have ever tried anyway. He said maybe late December. And then, you know, buh-bye.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    I agree wholeheartedly! I could have invited my hubby, and he would have accepted, but he would never have become a subscriber, and likely would only have logged in when I wanted him to help me with something.

    1 reply

Gwynne Gwynne added Saucelah as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Scarlett Bearsdale

Tragus takes the stage


He was shot and killed while being mugged at an ATM :(

Scarlett Bearsdale

Tragus takes the stage


ah Tragus, you were a great man.


A note!
Pods to the left of me, pods to the right, here I am: stuck in the middle with gnome.