

When is all that hip music from going to land itself in the game? Is it not being implemented to conserve bandwidth for now? I'd pay for the bandwidth out of pocket or donate S3 and CloudFront resources to listen to it while I play.

Then again, I could just download the Mp3s. But I'd rather be cool.

Posted 14 years ago by Soopa-Fresh Subscriber! | Permalink


  • As much as we love it, the music is a little "strongly flavored" and therefore repetitive when looped over the game directly.

    We've been thinking about something which is generally more ambient, but which can also be dynamically responsive to what is going on in the game (different when you're moving vs standing still crafting something; and/or different when you're energy or mood is higher than when it is low).

    Ideally this would be generated on the client side from a bunch of loops and one-off sounds, rather than constructed on the server and streamed out to each player. But, we just haven't gotten around to it yet.
    Posted 14 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • the music is a little "strongly flavored"

    Word! I have Groddle Forest Theme set as my ringtone. At my last job I always knew if I missed a call when I left my phone at my desk because I heard people whistling the song...

    I love the Glitch music, I was very excited to hear it playing when I logged in for this latest test.
    Posted 13 years ago by Cefeida Subscriber! | Permalink