
Quest List Page

Badges, Upgrades, heck, even Locations I've visited...  They all have really cool list pages that tell me what I've done, where I've been, or in general, how I'm doing at finishing them all.  In fact, over the last year of playing, most (or possibly even all?) of those pages have been awesomely improved by TS.  (As always, great job guys. :)

This however leaves a gap.  How am I going on quests?  Their progress statuses have been improved in the game, the interface for them is better than ever, there are piles of new ones being added all the time....  BUT, which ones have I done?  I'm looking for a page with a list of quests that lets me know which ones I've done and not done.  Like all the other pages, old ones no longer possible or trackable can be left off and of course hidden ones can be left off too.  I don't even really need to be informed about how to get them if you are feeling lazy or secretive.  

The reason I bring this up is mention in the general forum about a quest called "Operation: Grow" and I have absolutely no idea if I've done it and will never get it magically given to me or if I haven't done it and I'm failing to do something to get it to be given to me, or if it's coming, I just don't have it yet.  

Posted 12 years ago by Nerd of Epic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1  Just a small thing that would make it easier as you go through the game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Especially for new players and old players I realized just now.  (Seems to dip in usefulness in the middle though.)  New players:  "Holy crap, look at all these things to try to do!"  Old players:  "Holy crap, I never did that quest?  (Peter Out Peat, for example, but I'm not talking about me, uh, no, that's just some guy I know.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Nerd of Epic Subscriber! | Permalink