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Topic Instigator
What about a stripped-down installable version? 51 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Lemo Peppercup Subscriber!
Singleplayer Glitch? 14 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Kridla Hector8 Subscriber!
One last idea for Gitch 4 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by we are durza katlazam Subscriber!
[dev] Accessing players sprite sheets 21 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by chilirlw Lemo Subscriber!
All Glitchens to Neopets! 13 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Thaumatrope Beth_Lime Subscriber!
Promoting 5 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Taco Assassin Abril Subscriber!
@},~'~,~'~,~Glitch names | A Challenge! What will you score? Are you a sloth or are you a star? 15 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Cleops Smallchalet Subscriber!
Stripping Glitch: Must-have features for recreations? 11 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by tuqui Aemulus Subscriber!
Planks VS Zombitch [brainstorm] 13 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Lemo Lemo Subscriber!
Civilization V! 1 reply    Latest: 11 years ago by drakodood gmfk07 Subscriber!
Hi. Res. Locations? 1 reply    Latest: 11 years ago by Lemo Aemulus Subscriber!
snap last 30 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Shae'lyn Smallchalet Subscriber!
art from Glitch + App = genius <No replies yet>    Posted: 11 years ago Smallchalet Subscriber!
History book of Ur 9 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Earth4 Bioluminesce Subscriber!
Glitch spinoff mobile app ideas 31 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Marky Thirteen katlazam Subscriber!
Mobile Cubimal Battle App 69 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Aemulus Djabriil Subscriber!
I will make a new Glitch... (Flaw) 39 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Keeda drakodood Subscriber!
Helikitty for iOS/Android?? 88 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Wynella Jezebel Subscriber!
New Bathroom Supplies! 20 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by I Love You TS Keeda Subscriber!
Maintain the Avatar API 54 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Shae'lyn striatic Subscriber!
Make the site into a forum or something? 41 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by UD98 Mal'akh Subscriber!
Snap saving other options :0 6 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Sara Chimera Sara Chimera Subscriber!
Glitch Cookbook? 17 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Chibirexy Chibirexy Subscriber!
Any way to preserve the encyclopedia? 29 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Pavida Reirei Umezaki Subscriber!
Our Ideas... Do the apps have a hope in Hell? Seriously? Is it possible they may happen? 14 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Aemulus Aemulus Subscriber!
Meditation App 19 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Scarlett Bearsdale Lilypad Subscriber!
Papercraft Music Block Picture Frame 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Chemisie Chemisie Subscriber!
In the meantime... <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Malc Subscriber!
Mobile and desktop apps? 6 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Aemulus drakodood Subscriber!
Now what? 6 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Treesa Luna Owl Subscriber!
Favorite snaps download? 14 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by CoffeeSnob Djabriil Subscriber!
What about a Botler Ap for my phone? 13 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Momo McGlitch Ida Keen Subscriber!
Doesn't hurt to ask right? cubimals 7 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Little Poundcake axton Subscriber!
Could we have a towel, please. 36 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Elendraug Captain Daisy Subscriber!
Glitchamophone 22 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by kastlin Loupin Subscriber!
Glitch v. 2.0 75 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by MancyPants IZA_C Subscriber!
Butler Generator 10 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by chilirlw Chillykins Subscriber!
Now can we have Blarg(tm)? 10 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by FawnFang ? elf ? Subscriber!
Let us visit my true home one last time. 43 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by da Zappa The Rook Subscriber!
The First Glimmer of the Giants' Awakening FEAT . . . . . . . . You Don't Suppose . . . . . . . 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Grape Koolade Sir Lovealot Subscriber!
TS mailing list? 17 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Hed Lin Subscriber!
Heli-Kitty Eggs from Egg Seasoners 7 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Spoomy The Cat Face Subscriber!
Hi / Goodbye ("Bye" signs, like the "Hi" signs.) 5 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Keeda Nerd of Epic Subscriber!
A little longer? <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Sir Rachel Subscriber!
Skills <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Irrelephant Subscriber!
Garbage Can or Recycling Bin? 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Jardex RainCat Subscriber!
"bye" signs 13 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by crème total.rebel Subscriber!
Missed Locations and Recipes? <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Skibibble Subscriber!
Wallpapers 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Caiyot Leithwyn Subscriber!
Change "Pair of Dice" to Paradise! 6 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Fernstream Moehr Ossum Subscriber!
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