

First Imagined on Theday 8th of Eleventy, year 15. Forever stomping my way out of hell.


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Happy New Year, my fellow glitchen! Hope you are all safe and warm and with loved ones tonight, and may 2013 bring us together again... maybe at another game? Or maybe testing something new for Tiny Speck? Onward!

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It's very Glitchy! But only solo play. :|

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Pirate Apples

I've been semi ok until today. Not sure why. Maybe it's too close. Damn it.

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Flamingo Pink

What games are most of you playing? I'm extremely bored and tried lots of websites already.. I cannot download though because i have a poo computer. By the Way, I'm gladly informing you guys that I am PREGNANT with my first child!

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Congrats on your tiny Glitchen in the kitchen! I have two of them myself and they're quite a lot of fun. :D

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farewell dear ur
guess i'll actually have to learn to meditate now. thanks tiny speck.