Pirate Apples

Best staff ever!!!!


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bored no more

for those of you that aren't friends with me on FB or are and haven't heard, my family and I are being evicted. I have no idea where I will be living in about a month. We may be able to get a few more months, but we can't stay. I feel so lost right now.

37 replies

Status update
Pirate Apples

Oh bored!!! This is breaking my heart! Carl P is far more eloquent with words and thoughts than I.... stated so well.... where else are you posting? Wish I could help.

0 replies
Status update
Pirate Apples

I've been semi ok until today. Not sure why. Maybe it's too close. Damn it.

2 replies

2 replies
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1 reply
  1. Palindrome

    -threatens rock with hammer to start learning-

Reply to

Dear Alph, are you listening, I know my voice is small but I hoped now that the world is kind of quiet you might just hear me. I did not want to leave Ur, I wasn't ready, even tho we were forewarned, it wasn't long enough for me to let go, you see I still had so much I wanted to do . . . I don't mean to make you angry . . . but I miss Ur so very much.

2 replies

Status update
Pirate Apples

Oh Fae.... big hugs... I know they are not big enough to engulf your loss... but my hugs are trying very hard

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Reply to
Little Poundcake

We're all taking a little bit of time off and haven't even discussed the process of taking stuff down, let alone what we'll do and when we'll do it, so you have more than 4 days. :) We're not going to start working in earnest again until the new year. We will make a new post in the forums to announce when things will be taken offline when we figure that stuff out!

17 replies

Status update
Pirate Apples

First of all... you are too cute with your antlers and all.... I would change my look, but I want to be sure that Brent and Danny get my avatar right!! Thanks so much for sticking around and reassuring all us lost little Glitchens.

0 replies


A note!
I can't believe you still have a moving box!!!

Your restraint is admirable!!! <g>

Here's to Glitch and all it's wonderfulness!!!
A note!
Thank you Stoot. Thanks to all the staff at TS. This was obviously a true labor of love. It showed in so many ways.

You worked so very, very hard.

We played so very, very hard.

We shared so very, very much.

Thank you isn't enough. But it'll do.

Yes. It'll do.