Tee-hee, I'm in jail.
12 years ago
That's what you get for closing the game! >:o
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Hmmmm yes you have a point.
12 years ago
And for being very bad, you get no peas for dinner. Elf gets them instead.
12 years ago
And stop laughing! No having fun in jail! >:O
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
That's okay. I don't like peas.
12 years ago
12 years ago
Marley Cuddles
You are bad for closing the game! You should reopen!! ;)
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Aw, man, I totally can't reopen the game! You see, I'm stuck in jail. This blows.
12 years ago
Ann DramaDuh
Oh, for heaven's sakes! Just slip through the "you could drive a truck thru them" bars! Jeez. Do I have to tell you EVERYTHING?!?
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
call me weird but posting pics of you in world while we are forever locked is like squeezing lemon juice on an open wound.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Yo: there's to be no fighting in my feed! Go to a forum I'm not watching for that!

Innie: I'm sorry it upset you. That wasn't my intention. I always do feel really weird about posting pics, but I've gotten so much positive feedback (and this is the first true negative) that I continue to do it from time to time when I'm in the world to check something out.

If it's upsetting lots of you and you just haven't wanted to mention it, let me know and I'll cut it out!
12 years ago
No way, don’t stop posting!

And Innie, plese don’t be upset! Those are our last glimples into the world…
12 years ago
Don't stop!
12 years ago
Beyond the Pale
These screens are one of the main reasons I still check Glitch.com. I say keep 'em coming!
12 years ago
rook knight =]
aww i would do anything to be in glitch jail =[
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
Sorry, Innie. We all miss Glitch, but some of us feel better seeing these... LP really isn't trying to upset you. I love these snaps. If they're making people happy...
12 years ago
Don't stop, LP - I love seeing these, too! PS, I've baked you a special cake - be careful where you bite, there's a nailfi....ooops, never mind...
12 years ago
Same here, Beyond the Pale. I come back to get a glimpse of what was. <3
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Maybe you guys can find this cat for me? gawker.com/5973471/cat-caug...
12 years ago
sigh... I know Innie, it does hurt. But please LP, don't stop posting!
12 years ago
Looks like Miner Guy finally got out. Wait, did he dig an escape tunnel? Look behind the sign, Little Poundcake!

If that doesn't work, I'll bake you a Flummery with a file inside it!
12 years ago
12 years ago
Miss Coco
Well, I think it's in the TOS that I can't disagree with YEEZY, but regardless, I do love seeing these little glimpses of Glitch. Especially cool stuff like this that I never knew existed! Thanks, LP!
12 years ago
If someone doesn't want to see pics they can just unfollow you. Post away!
12 years ago
Amara Magma
I love these little glimpses of Glitch. I appreciate you posting them.
12 years ago
Thanks for sharing Little Poundcake :) What would have won us a trip to The Penalty Box? Being caught by a deimaginator? Poisoning trees? lol
12 years ago
I'm back! *returns with pea cannon* PREPARE TO BE PEA'D!
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
There were a couple of ideas for the Penalty Box. Your deimaginator idea was one, but the idea first arose as a place to send players who were misbehaving. Instead, we implemented a boring button for admins to silence people and said Stern Words About Being a Better Glitchen when necessary.
12 years ago
SWABBG? :o *backs off* *shoots pea cannon* *runs*
12 years ago
I'm always happy to see another of your snaps. This oen made me smile. Thank you ^^
12 years ago
I love the snaps - especially ones like this of places we never got to see!
12 years ago
rook knight =]
wow wish it was actually implemented. not that i ever knew a glitchen who deserved to get stabby at winks*
12 years ago
Well, maybe it could have been the deimaginator sending you there. Starting to forget... What would happen when you were caught? :/
12 years ago
The Docta
For the record I am in the camp that loves the snapshots you post, LP. I like to think that Ur still exists somewhere, I just can't get to it right now.
12 years ago
Pirate Apples
Another Glitchen enjoying the pic!!
12 years ago
Mo' pics!! *cheers heartily*
12 years ago
The pictures are welcome and do make me sad but as has been stated, it's not gone till the last raid array backup corrupts and the data has been lost, it's just that I can't. Quite. Seem to reach it at the moment.
12 years ago
Keep 'em comin'!
12 years ago
Bad Robot
I would enjoy a picture of two Glitches taking tea together in the jail. These pictures are great and really show off all the fun, love, and imagination that the team had.
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
Oh Poundcake....I am not asking for you to stop. I just posted that because I had to finally say it. It was how it felt. Im totally jealous of you!!!! But I still love you tons.
12 years ago
Oh thats just weird and funny your in jail O.o
12 years ago
DO not stop posting these pics ever!
I love seeing new stuff in the world! :)
12 years ago
*hugs Innie*
*sends Little Poundcake a file with a cake in it... damn, I reversed that AGAIN UGH*
12 years ago
Little Poundcake Little Poundcake snapped this
at 4:51pm on January 21, 2013
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