

The man who dared to scream "whooooosh!".


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Ooooh, I could make you a kumihimo braid to wrap the hilt, if you need a better grip! And I don't think we'll have to resort to making garottes out of the yarn.

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Oh, I definitely could use a better grip: the current one is rather on the cheap side. xD

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Ann DramaDuh

I feel so down now, because I can't be there to help in any way. BUT - I'm a good listener, tell terrible jokes, get in a good wisecrack now and then, and pretty much make your day whenever I deign to chat with you. :) Hang in there! I'm knitting you a prosthetic hand as we speak!

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In terms of knitting, considering I seem to have also contracted the flu on Sunday, I could really use a sweater. ^^

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  1. Ann DramaDuh

    You probably won't believe this, but sweaters are my specialty! Name your color! Also - do you have "wool sensitivity" ?

Gwynne Gwynne added Asthner as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Your Kindness: essence reading
You are a thought, you know. A self-conscious thought that has thoughts of its own, that... Hey, I don't know, stop looking at me this way. Yes, you're looking at the note, but I can feel it either way. So. A thought thought by a Giant, who... Ok, that's blasphemy territory. But we've got the basics set up.
But what's between thoughts, how does a thought transform into an idea, how is it born? That's yet another thing I don't know. But whatever you were when you were just a tangled mass of trigger-happy imagination-neuro-impulses, it always leaves a mark in your essence. What's "essence"? Oh, don't get me started...
However, I can read it. Your essence, that is. And tell you something of that trace that can be found in it. If you wish, of course. If so, give me a shout and I'll get down to work. You helped me once, let me repay your kindness.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
Your Kindness: essence reading
You are a thought, you know. A self-conscious thought that has thoughts of its own, that... Hey, I don't know, stop looking at me this way. Yes, you're looking at the note, but I can feel it either way. So. A thought thought by a Giant, who... Ok, that's blasphemy territory. But we've got the basics set up.
But what's between thoughts, how does a thought transform into an idea, how is it born? That's yet another thing I don't know. But whatever you were when you were just a tangled mass of trigger-happy imagination-neuro-impulses, it always leaves a mark in your essence. What's "essence"? Oh, don't get me started...
However, I can read it. Your essence, that is. And tell you something of that trace that can be found in it. If you wish, of course. If so, give me a shout and I'll get down to work. You helped me once, let me repay your kindness.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
Your Kindness: essence reading
You are a thought, you know. A self-conscious thought that has thoughts of its own, that... Hey, I don't know, stop looking at me this way. Yes, you're looking at the note, but I can feel it either way. So. A thought thought by a Giant, who... Ok, that's blasphemy territory. But we've got the basics set up.
But what's between thoughts, how does a thought transform into an idea, how is it born? That's yet another thing I don't know. But whatever you were when you were just a tangled mass of trigger-happy imagination-neuro-impulses, it always leaves a mark in your essence. What's "essence"? Oh, don't get me started...
However, I can read it. Your essence, that is. And tell you something of that trace that can be found in it. If you wish, of course. If so, give me a shout and I'll get down to work. You helped me once, let me repay your kindness.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,