
Glitch has been a place of loving kindness for me... I am deeply grateful to have played with you all ?


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bored no more

I haven't posted an update in ages, but figured I would with this being the last day. I hope you all have found homes or at least temporary places by now. I hope you all have some closure to the closure and can move on with peace. I miss you all and hope for nothing but the best. Goodnight, Groddle.

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Status update

*hugs bored And we shall have more fun, in other cybervenues :)

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As I sit and stare at this screen I can't help but think to myself about all the wonderful people I have met in this game. I have to give thanks to everyone who is currently on my friendslist for being fantastic people. Thank you all for being there with me, you'll find my tumblr and twitter accounts up in my information, I plan on churning out a few last Glitchy stories on my tumblr. I have to thank TS for giving us a game where introverts could finally be able to come out and play and not be afraid. I have to thank everyone reading this that you all made this game what it is. Where else could we be ourselves and crack jokes like we're fourteen? Where else could we be able to form close friendships with people across the world? Where else could we be ourselves but here, on Glitch? This was a truly preposterous world, and I'm sure all of you can agree wholeheartedly. Yet, we will truly miss it.

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Status update
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Status update

Farewell sweet glitchen and thank you for all the joy and laughter, kindness and love. The friendships continue on and the memories remain. I am deeply grateful for having shared in this wonderful community. As Thomas Moore said: Let Fate do her worst, there are relics of joy, Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy, Which come in the night-time of sorrow and care, And bring back the features that joy used to wear. *smooches and hugs to you all

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Li'll Missy Brenda

I love you all! Please join a load of other Glitchen at so we can all try and stay together.

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Status update

*smooch LM - the very last LM smooch in Glitch.... sigh <3

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  1. Li'll Missy Brenda

    *pouty face* Your smooches are what held me in the game sometimes, *sniffs and hugs hard*

Soupie? Soupie? added Ananda as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Open to the night sky :)
Please do not add anything to this project. I'm leaving it just as it is...

Thank you!