rook knight =]


i will miss yallz! "if you force a seed down, will it not grow ? you can't stop the rain !! uhh duh, duh, duh, duh, yup =]


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lol, that is plenty! I'm still in my jammies at 11:15AM...getting ready to get ready to almost start getting ready to get up and go for a walk on the beach .... not yet though...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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This is my final goodbye to all you lovely glitches and to Tiny Speck. I decided to delete my account today and leave this wonderful world for good now (although I'll probably come back to flip through the encyclopedia now and then to indulge in reminiscences). Thank you for all the fun and laughter you shared with me... man did I enjoy this game! *sigh* Goodbye and please take the spirit of glitch with you. Be kind (but not too kind) to random strangers, be helpful, spontaneous, funny and a little weird too, focus on the small things others may not even notice and most of all, remain imaginative, even when people around you think trying to milk a butterfly is absurd... :) *disappears in a purplish cloud never to be seen again*

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note: looking for someone to hide behind trees in groddle with me and surprise unsuspecting glitchen. in a good way. must have beta pickle and know how to use it. practice saying "psssssssst" as there will be a test. *coolbettycakes is a certified mentor of "be-the-tree". schooled in the discipline of nanooki, the veal of trees, from whom all that is be-the-treeness originates.

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Scarf Scarf added rook knight =] as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
back slowly away from the gas plant !
why ?
because it has gas of course =]
A note!
nice gwen !
A note!
if i could vote for outfits you would win my vote !
hellish hearts
cute cabs !