
(Mel Hart)

Do you canoe?


Status update

Well this place is closing officially in a month. I'll miss you guys! If you want to connect, I'm on twitter @paisleypuddles Add me and mention your Glitch name. :)

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The game's been closed for a month now. I still really miss it.

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Status update

Just saw that one of my friends here deleted their account. The posting is coming less and less frequently. I guess it really is over.

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  1. Minkey

    Aww, I find that sad :( I'm not sure I'm going to do anything with my account when they do (if they do) really pull the plug.

Status update

Well if they pull down the forum on New Year's Day, I'll miss y'all and take care.

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    they won't! there was a forum post from little pound cake saying we'll get advance notice by way of email. Happy New Year!!

Status update

So... I don't know how much I'll come back here. And that makes me sad.

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A note!
I'm Batgirl.
A note!
Where there is no love, there much much lo.
A note!
Your kindness knows no bounds. Spread this joy in the real world as well and remember that Ur will never stop existing... in your heart.
Please dig as much as this pile as possible. I would like it gone.
A note!
The decore is rather lacking...
A note!
Over all I rate this shop 8/10 Pros: Easy load time Nice variety Well stocked merchandise Well organized stock Cons: Decore and overall feel. Lacks warmth