

Little Poundcake

Remind us to tell you about mountaineering sometime!

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Wow. That is very interesting, and those clickers are crazy.

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Little Poundcake

Find of the day: before Helga and Uncle Friendly claimed Ix as their turf, we had an Ix-specific street vendor:

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Little Poundcake

Oh, dustbunny, you can't just leave a partially mined nub in Ajaya Bliss. You have to mine it all the way down!


Bunny's like, "Whatever, I do what I want!"


flask flask added CrazyMooby as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
CrazyMooby's auction of 1x Construction Tool, for 100 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


To the DB person or programmer
Only minutes left. Unlikely anyone will read this ... but ... Someday someone will be looking through the database and find this. Hello, database person. I am one too. I heart you.
Your piggies were starving.
Your piggies were not able to reach the tree to eat because of the piggy stick. They were starving -- I could tell because I could not nibble them, they said meat out, dude. Move your piggy stick closer to the tree, or just remove it entirely. You don't really need it. They should probably have access to more trees anyway. Alternately buy a piggy feeder. For safekeeping I used a Potion of Animal Youth on them and gave them to your butler. Just feed them to make them into adult piggies again.
I saw your note in the mountains.
Level 9! You barely got a chance to explore. *hugs*
This feels right
I'll leave my goodbye in this little nook.

Thanks, Glitchen, for all the lovely times. Hopping through the world with my hair streaming behind me, I felt free.

Much love.