
(Corey Rawdon)

First imagined 11th of Junuary, year 17 back in the Beta days!


Status update

the game is over and the site is going to archival. to all glitchen: i miss you all and hope that soon we find ourselves together again

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Status update

dear glitch: please do not leave my life forever. you are magnificent, marvelous and masterful. please come back

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Status update

Please TS give us an update on TNT before we go offline!

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Status update

Why oh why do I torture myself by continuing to come back here every single day?

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Status update

Bring back Glitch! I refuse to believe it is really and truly over. I mean, just give us back what was there and do not make enhancements. I'm fine with that I just want my glitch back

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Love and Wishes
Players, devs, founders and other members- quite simply, thank you.

Amazing game, amazing experience and amazing community. Glitch was truly special and while we as players will eventually find another "home" the memory of Glitch will persist on.

As Jodie Foster said in Contact "So beautiful, no words, no words to describe".