
Under Water Locations

Okay so I was looking at the world map, and I thought it would be really interesting if they would incorporate some under water locations where the oceans are. I don't know if something like this has already been proposed, if it has I am sorry, not trying to steal your idea, just don't spend much time in the forums (too busy playing the game^^). Okay so my thought was locations that appear under water, the scenes would have things like seaweed and corals. Now I know this poses a problem with the animals, there probably aren't any chicken or pigs under the sea, but what a great opportunity to introduce a new creature. I was also thinking about making the locations similar to the ancestral places where there is a time limit to how long one can stay there (hold their breath, maybe). Then there could be potions you can brew to extend that time (made from bubbles, what else). 

Well that was just a idea I had, let me know what you think, and please feel free to expand on it.

Posted 12 years ago by Nymeria Dorne Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Think they are already working on this! x
    Posted 12 years ago by Abi Subscriber! | Permalink