
Movie Theater

I really want there to be more places in Ur with things to do rather than just gather resources. Someone else has suggested a library which I think is a great idea. It occurred to me that a movie theater could be fun.

There could be badges or quests associated with seeing the movie. There could either be specific showtimes (based on the Ur clock) or a certain number of people in the movie theater could trigger the movie to start. You could get a badge if you saw a movie with a large group of people or the movie could be the start of a quest -- but a large number of people all have to be there at the same time to see it; too few people in the audience and the quest wouldn't trigger. The quests might also require people to do things together.

You would need to buy a ticket. The race ticket machines could sell them. Inside the movie theater there should be a vendor that sells snacks and drinks–things that other vendors don't sell (because certain things are movie food, right?).

Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think making movies would be labor intensive for the staff but love love love the idea of having a group event like this.  It would be a fun way to deliver mythology to us about the giants, rooks, jujus, etc. 

    I think the vending would need to be in a separate room before the entrance to the theater. 

    And of course, we'd need wardrobe and vanity so we could dress up like what's on screen just like the casts do for The Rocky Horror Picture Show. :-)

    Great idea Colette!
    Posted 12 years ago by FlatEarther Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think that it should be a playhouse and players should be able to record scenes to produce their own plays. (I was working on this as a third-party site for a while, but it should be more easily doable in-game and produce better results.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I really like this idea! It would be super fun if the movie was interactive*, requiring the audience members to vote on plot points in a group choose your own adventure style means of storytelling.

    * See:'m_Your_Man_(film)
    Posted 12 years ago by katlazam Subscriber! | Permalink
  • FE, the movies could be fairly simple -- like "The Greedy Street Spirit". And yes, there could be a lobby with a vendor instead of having the vendor in the theatre itself.

    Katlazam, interactive sounds super fun. I know zero about how complicated it is to produce and program this kind of stuff though, and it has to be within the realm of something that can be regularly updated. Who wants to watch a three year old movie right? Easy enough that they could update every few months (say once an Ur year).
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink