
Gmail address book Friend Finder

Add to the "nice to haves" list: G-mail address book searching on the friend finder page along with FB and Twitter. I think their API is pretty easy to work with, but I haven't touched it in a while.

Posted 12 years ago by Sir Mixolyde Subscriber! | Permalink


  • If this is the sort of thing where you give TS (or a third party running this feature) your Gmail login credentials, even temporarily, so that they can poke through your address book, then no thanks. I don't want people with whom I might have exchanged emails on an unrelated topic to be able to find out who I am in this game, and I'm disturbed by the security implications of asking people to hand over their email password.

    If it's not that sort of thing, could you give more details of what you have in mind?
    Posted 12 years ago by Trixie Leitz Subscriber! | Permalink