
Magic Sort - Change to Alphabetical Sort

I often decry the Magic Sort upgrade in global chat - I am not a fan.  And from what people say in response, it's not that terrific of an upgrade for them, either.

Currently, Magic Sort seems to put things in order of largest stack size to smallest.  While this would make sense if you only had one type of item in the bag, that doesn't work when you have several stacks of different items.  For instance, I just sorted my 'Manufacturing' bag, and my two metal bar stacks were split up, with a stack of crystals in the middle.  This is because the first metal bar stack had 16 items in it, the crystal stack 7, and the second stack of metal bars 3.

I think Magic Sort should sort first alphabetically, then sort based on stack size.  This would keep items of the same kind together.  There are probably other great suggestions that could be made, but just this small one would make Magic Sort tons more useful, at least to me!

Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink