
Idea: Chronicle a Glitch day via "Day in the Life" snaps

I just did this ( and it was a lot of fun. But spending four solid hours at the computer may not be feasible for all of us players individually. Besides, group projects are even more fun. What if we did this on a global scale, with everyone who is playing taking snaps of wherever they are and posting during a mutually-agreed upon Glitch day? It would give all of us an idea of just how huge the wide Glitch world is and what we are all doing at any particular point all over Ur. It would be fun. Tiny Speck, what do you think? Would this be something you could organize (like those global meditation events)? Maybe extra iMG for taking and posting snaps on the designated day? ;>)

Posted 12 years ago by Axa Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1

    This sounds very cool! It also sounds like something players might organise themselves, via Global or group chats and the Announcements forum. Although it might be harder to get a representative range of Glitchen to take part that way. Hmm.
    Posted 12 years ago by Trixie Leitz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, that's the way my thinking went, too. Yes, we could self-organize, but if the idea is to get a real cross section, then TS would be the best organizer, as it were. And it would be so cool to get snaps from everyone all over the real world who play Glitch, snapping away all over Ur at the same time. I think it would be a great way to really get a sense of the community.
    Posted 12 years ago by Axa Subscriber! | Permalink