
Visiting stones (or something else) to mark locations of old housing quarters signs

I get a little nostalgic each time I walk along Venet Root nowadays. I used to walk along there all the time to get to my old cottage, and it seems a little sad to me that there is no way to tell where the old sign to the housing quarter was. I'd been thinking for a while that something that acts as a memorial or marker on the spot where the sign was would be nice, and then the visiting stones came out. I think they would be perfect for this!

ETA: it would also be nifty if we as Glitchen could do something to create or maintain the memorial. Maybe a mini-feat type of thing.

Possible problems:
* maybe there's a technical reason why visiting stones are only on dead-end streets, which would prevent them from being used here. If so, perhaps we or the giants can imagine something else? Even a distinctive bit of street scenery with no verbs would still make me happy.
* do the giants even remember where the signs used to be?

Posted 12 years ago by Trixie Leitz Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think mailboxes were placed where the neighborhood signs used to be.

    Nice idea, though! +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Were they? I did not realise that :)

    It's nice that the giants imagined something, but mailboxes aren't exactly special: they are found in other locations as well, and they don't really say "remember Venet Root Quarter!" Well, not to me, anyway ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Trixie Leitz Subscriber! | Permalink