
Make shrines under shrine powder handle donations with decimals (most food, paper, etc) properly.

I reported this as a bug, but glitch support said to post it here. I happen to think the UI reporting incorrect information to the user is a bug, but anyway, here's what I noticed when donating a mess o' ribs:

Extremely Hallowed Shrine Powders (and I'm assuming fairly hallowed SP as well) do not handle offerings correctly where the favor for each individual item is not an integer. What occurs is that in the offering UI, it rounds in some fashion (haven't tested if it rounds, rounds down or rounds up) the offerings, but during the behind the scene calculation it handled the offering correctly. For example, under EHSP, a gift of 94 abbasid ribs displays in the UI as having a favor of 26 each, and will give a total of 2444 favor. However, the REAL value is 26.4 favor, with a total of 2482 favor. Upon donation of 94 ribs under EHSP, the proper amount of favor (2482 in this case) is given.This display discrepancy is irritating because it uses the rounded number to determine how many of an item to donate, which results in going over by an item or two (and it will also hit you with the alert popup saying you are going over the donation limit).

Posted 12 years ago by FG Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I agree. +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Fernstream Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The display shows per-item, but EHSP is calculated on the total value.

    No all that important to fix I think, but it would be nice.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The display does not show per item. 1 abbasid rib, under EHSP, has a value of 26.4, but it displays as 26.
    Posted 12 years ago by FG Subscriber! | Permalink