
Humble Requests by The Lemmites to the mighty TinySpeck

Dear Stoot, etc, etc(only really know of stoot), I am creating a Player Feat.
That's right. I'm Bypassing you entirely. However. I need you for it to be any fun.

Currently, players can teleport to, use signs to get to, and use the buttons in the info sheet 
and profile to get to a players street. I need this to be more fine-grained.

I want players to be able to disable all but sign, or all but teleportation, or just disable the buttons
in their profile and info sheet. This shouldn't be too complicated. Additionally, if the profile button is disabled, the player's street should be hidden entirely from their profile, besides snaps.

I also want player-placed signs to be able to act as teleportation scripts that can be re-used. This
would probably constitute a highly abused game function, so I'm not really asking for it. I would equally as much like teleportation scripts that only have a Probability of reaching one of several recorded destination.This is not required either, but would be nice.

On the list of other things that I want, but won't get:

A player curated list of signs, items, and prices- of items that don't exist. Outsourcing content creation to the community, and voting on a list of new cubimals, etc, entirely made from player art. 

The ability to change the background and style, separately, between a few similar options, whenever a street project is finished(outside streets only).

Area effect powders that effect the players(make them tiny, make them move super fast, etc, lasting 30sec to 5 minutes, boost their mood by 5 points every ten sec) on an entire street.

Glitches in Glitch: 

The ability to climb invisible steps placed on some levels to reach hidden portals to other levels, which are in turn massive, tall, wide surreal landscapes with many hidden areas and a few interesting things, including items that are obviously fake(an egg tree convinced it's a bubble tree, which dispenses spice, a wood tree that is so full of wood it basically force feeds you boards when you're near it, but won't put out any, a pig that flies, butterflies that demand equAL RiGHts with batterflies, drinks that respawn and alternately poison or aid you, mystery descriptions.

Using levitation to go outside and behind your house and get into your own attic, or on top of your own house. Conductively subscriber streets with an exposed but inaccessible yard(invisible wall keeps you on outside part of street, but you can camera pan past their house and see their back yard, and they can hop over their house from their yard into the main street).Getting into the attic takes you into an entire REALM of glitchian areas, quests, stuff from books and pre-narnia adventuring, levels of mysterious darkness, a level with lakes in it that take you into some of the levels from the cards, etc.

Advanced Alchemy skills that allow you to discover complicated and large beaker formulas to create or break down objects in the world into their elemental forms.

-- and so much more that I havn't thought of yet --

Posted 12 years ago by wittgenstein Subscriber! | Permalink