
Send message to someone who is in game but I only know by email address

The invite screen will tell me that someone I'd like to invite is already playing and already friends with me, but there seems to be no way to figure out *which* friend they are unless their glitch name or "real name" clues me in. I realize that there are privacy issues with revealing that the person I know in-game as J. Glitch is (or whatever) but at least it could let me send them a note and they could decide whether or not to respond.

Posted 12 years ago by zwol Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I can see why that's inconvenient , however privacy issues majorly outway convenience. Many ppl don't want their real names or e-mail addresses shown, and i think there are legitimate concerns when it comes to that. Its for the best if you just e-mail them to find out what their name is
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink