
Multitasking? Queues?

I was told something similar had been mentioned before, but it was suggested for me to post this here, so here I am.

It bugs me when I'm mining and waiting and waiting and just sitting there. I would like to be able to open the bags in my inventory to see the stuff I have, move stuff around, etc. If possible. 

I think it would be cool to have a queue of sorts, too. Like, you tell your glitch to do one thing, click on something else, and once they've finished with the first task they move right onto the second one.

Posted 12 years ago by toxxic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • That bags are locked during mining I bet is an unneeded holdover from days past.

    I also want acess to any SDBs in the "street" while crafting dialog is up. It is a hassle when your making EGC from scratch and find put you are a few grains short when making flour....
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink