
New chat box for questions or assistance

If a question comes up in Trade chat about "how to" or "need assistance with quest", the response is usually "This is Trade, go to Global". When they go to global they are generally ignored.
We need a new chat that is for assistance but not of the level that the Help line provides. It would also be a good place for questers who need more participants to complete a quest, ie. dig peat bog, transport x number of people, etc. I'm sure there a large number of people who would be glad to help or answer questions. If I see the question in Trade, I will try to help they by IM and I know there are others who do the same.

Posted 12 years ago by TigerTale Subscriber! | Permalink


  • From what this sounds like, it sounds like a group and there are plenty of those like this, questing assitance groups, the wiki (how to) and live help is there for any type of assitance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Santa Clause Subscriber! | Permalink