
Beast shades, or animal repellent

sometimes would really like an option to move animals around, mostly to get them out of the way
(when the use of sticks is not enouth or not allowed, see --> other people streets)

'issue': sometimes some streets with huge ammounts of animals(but not necessarily) make it hard/annoying to target things on the background with the pointer, like dropped objects or herbs/crops gardens

known resolution: enter + select the target
(basically give up using the pointer for directly selecting/picking up/harvesting)

idea: or possible ideas
-beast shades: special sunglasses which when weared make all animals invisible(or semi transparent), and not obstructing the clicking on anything on the background which normally would have an animal in the way (expecially piggies with their habits of stopping to look at you)

-animal repellent: a potion, or essence/tincture, which when inbued makes any animal on the street run away terrified from the glitch under effect of it
-related: a potion making the opposite effect of attracting all the animals could be nice

they could be called pheromones for the one attracting animals, and terrormones for the one repelling them :D
actually, the attracting potion would possibly work like a portable stick centered on the glitch under effect
while the repellent would do the opposite of a stick by not allowing animals to get into a radius from the glitch under effect, but having no effect on them outside of the radius (the terror thing is mostly to haste the animals to get out of the radius)

-pied flute:(animal charming skill) added to the potion, there could also be some skill/instrument to charm the animals in following you (something pied piper alike)

finally, more simple, but less preposterous
-animals drag and drop: click on an animal, hold, drag to move, release to release (can't be moved into inventory)

Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink


  • A method to scatter pigs ala KFC would be helpful.
    Maybe BBQ?
    Ditto butterflies.
    Perhaps BAI!
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1  Though I assume it wouldn't work on animals clustered on a stick.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love the idea of smearing grue repellent and having stinky lines radiating outward from your glitch for a few minutes as she works. And animals getting in the way of farming is a real problem that this could solve (with stinky lines!). Yes!
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yeah, I really like this idea. DEATH TO THE CHICKENS!! erm... I mean.. was that out loud? Just slather on animal repellent and no more squeezing chickens while trying to mine. *puts on sunglasses*
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • xD guess i wasn't alone in getting annoyed by that

    @kadi if there is a stick probably the stick would have the priority over the repellent effect, or maybe not, it's all up to which one will be considered to have more priority in influencing the animals (for a matter of order the sticks should, but one could argue that the potion's effect is time limited while the sticks's effect is timeless)

    but assuming the sticks are the ones with more priority, the animals would move as far as possible from the repellent(or the opposite) source while staying into the stick boundaries

    to further specialize the repellent potions, there could be some starter potions which only work on specific animals and for limited time and radius of effect, others more expensive with better time and radius, and then one which works on any existing animal
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Zean wrote: f there is a stick probably the stick would have the priority over the repellent effect, or maybe not, it's all up to which one will be considered to have more priority in influencing the animals 

    Sticks are placed by the street owner. Repellent would be worn by a visitor so the stick should take precedence.

    Zean wrote: but one could argue that the potion's effect is time limited while the sticks's effect is timeless) 

    That could only work if you limited visitors to one at a time. Not a good idea. If one doesn't want the animals repelled, as nibbling large numbers of piggies is easier if a stick is used to make a piggy cube, why should your choice to use repellent take precedence over mine to nibble the  piggies as a cube

    Beast shades could work though. As everyone can make their own choice (wear or not wear shades), without adversely affecting another Glitch's different style of play
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink