
Bonsai trees (tree growth control skill)

sort of reviving this thread(s)
BONSAI trees!
Potted trees for inside the house

many/all trees when just planted and growth from a sprout into the first stages have a really nice appearance
so it would be nice to have them stuck/blocked into that shape forever >:D well, the concept is mostly that

-in the starter thread it was suggested as pot plants, assuming to be used as decorations(inside or also outside was not clear, but both would be nice), which would still require the seasoned seeds to plant them into the pots
guess the pots alone would have managed the plant to keep small

an alternative i was thinking about
-having a skill, related to botany and arbology, which would allow to manage the growth stage of any tree (and maybe also other plants)
one of the uses of the growth controll would be shrinking(pruning) or keeping(blocking/fixing) small the trees, to turn trees in bonsais (planted in patches and then, once fixed on small, moved into a pot if needed)
the growth change would not affect the tree lifespan, so even if small the tree would last like any normal tree

Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
